Struts2 <s:merge>標籤範例

Struts2 merge標籤用來合併幾個疊代器(由列表或對映建立)成一個疊代器。這裡建立一個Web工程:struts2mergetag,來演示在多個核取方塊如何設定的預設值,整個專案的結構如下圖所示:

在本教學中,將使用Struts2 <s:merge>標籤執行以下任務:
  1. 合併三個ArrayList到一個疊代器
  2. 合併三個HashMap到一個疊代器
  3. 合併ArrayList和HashMap到一個疊代器
  1. 第一個疊代的第一個條目。
  2. 第二個疊代器的第一項
  3. 第一個疊代器的第二項
  4. 第二個疊代器的第二項。

1. 動作

Action類有3個ArrayList 和 3 個 HashMap屬性。


package com.tw511.common.action;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
public class MergeTagAction extends ActionSupport{
	private List<String> list1 = new ArrayList<String>();
	private List<String> list2 = new ArrayList<String>();
	private List<String> list3 = new ArrayList<String>();

	private Map<String,String> map1 = new HashMap<String,String>();
	private Map<String,String> map2 = new HashMap<String,String>();
	private Map<String,String> map3 = new HashMap<String,String>();
	public String execute() {
		list1.add("List1 - 1");
		list1.add("List1 - 2");
		list1.add("List1 - 3");
		list2.add("List2 - 1");
		list2.add("List2 - 2");
		list2.add("List2 - 3");
		list3.add("List3 - 1");
		list3.add("List3 - 2");
		list3.add("List3 - 3");
		map1.put("map1-key1", "map1-value1");
		map1.put("map1-key2", "map1-value2");
		map1.put("map1-key3", "map1-value3");
		map2.put("map2-key1", "map2-value1");
		map2.put("map2-key2", "map2-value2");
		map2.put("map2-key3", "map2-value3");
		map3.put("map3-key1", "map3-value1");
		map3.put("map3-key2", "map3-value2");
		map3.put("map3-key3", "map3-value3");
		return SUCCESS;

	//getter methods...

2. Merge 標籤範例



<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
<head><title>Generator 標籤範例 -</title> </head>
<h1>Struts 2 Merge tag example</h1>

1. Merge 3 ArrayList into a single iterator.
<s:merge var="customListIterator">
     <s:param value="%{list1}" />
     <s:param value="%{list2}" />
     <s:param value="%{list3}" />
<s:iterator value="%{#customListIterator}">
     <li><s:property /></li>

2. Merge 3 HashMap into a single iterator.
<s:merge var="customMapIterator">
     <s:param value="%{map1}" />
     <s:param value="%{map2}" />
     <s:param value="%{map3}" />
<s:iterator value="%{#customMapIterator}">
     <li><s:property /></li>

3. Merge ArrayList and HashMap into a single iterator.
<s:merge var="customMixedIterator">
     <s:param value="%{list1}" />
     <s:param value="%{map1}" />
<s:iterator value="%{#customMixedIterator}">
     <li><s:property /></li>


3. struts.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"

 	<constant name="struts.devMode" value="true" />
	<package name="default" namespace="/" extends="struts-default">
		<action name="mergeTagAction" 
			class="com.tw511.common.action.MergeTagAction" >
			<result name="success">pages/merge.jsp</result>

4. 範例



Struts 2 Merge tag example

1. Merge 3 ArrayList into a single iterator.

  1. List1 - 1
  2. List2 - 1
  3. List3 - 1
  4. List1 - 2
  5. List2 - 2
  6. List3 - 2
  7. List1 - 3
  8. List2 - 3
  9. List3 - 3

2. Merge 3 HashMap into a single iterator.

  1. map1-key3=map1-value3
  2. map2-key2=map2-value2
  3. map3-key3=map3-value3
  4. map1-key1=map1-value1
  5. map2-key3=map2-value3
  6. map3-key1=map3-value1
  7. map1-key2=map1-value2
  8. map2-key1=map2-value1
  9. map3-key2=map3-value2

3. Merge ArrayList and HashMap into a single iterator.

  1. List1 - 1
  2. map1-key3=map1-value3
  3. List1 - 2
  4. map1-key1=map1-value1
  5. List1 - 3
  6. map1-key2=map1-value2


  1. Struts 2 Merge 標籤文件

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