運算子 | 描述 | 範例 |
= | 簡單賦值運算子,分配從右側運算元的值,以左側運算元 | C = A + B will assign value of A + B into C |
+= | 新增和賦值操作符,它增加了右運算元為左運算元和結果分配給左運算元 | C += A is equivalent to C = C + A |
-= | 減和賦值操作符,它減去右邊的運算元從左邊的運算元,並將結果賦值給左運算元 | C -= A is equivalent to C = C - A |
*= | 乘法和賦值操作符,它乘以右邊的運算元與左運算元和結果分配給左運算元 | C *= A is equivalent to C = C * A |
/= | 除法和賦值操作符,它分為左運算元與右邊的運算元,並將結果賦值給左運算元 | C /= A is equivalent to C = C / A |
%= | 模量和賦值操作符,它採用模使用兩個運算元和結果分配給左運算元 | C %= A is equivalent to C = C % A |
<<= | 左移位並賦值運算子 | C <<= 2 is same as C = C << 2 |
>>= | 向右移位並賦值運算子 | C >>= 2 is same as C = C >> 2 |
&= | 按位元AND賦值運算子 | C &= 2 is same as C = C & 2 |
^= | 按位元互斥或和賦值運算子 | C ^= 2 is same as C = C ^ 2 |
|= | OR運算和賦值運算子 | C |= 2 is same as C = C | 2 |
import std.stdio; int main(string[] args) { int a = 21; int c ; c = a; writefln("Line 1 - = Operator Example, Value of c = %d ", c ); c += a; writefln("Line 2 - += Operator Example, Value of c = %d ", c ); c -= a; writefln("Line 3 - -= Operator Example, Value of c = %d ", c ); c *= a; writefln("Line 4 - *= Operator Example, Value of c = %d ", c ); c /= a; writefln("Line 5 - /= Operator Example, Value of c = %d ", c ); c = 200; c = c % a; writefln("Line 6 - %s= Operator Example, Value of c = %d ",'x25', c ); c <<= 2; writefln("Line 7 - <<= Operator Example, Value of c = %d ", c ); c >>= 2; writefln("Line 8 - >>= Operator Example, Value of c = %d ", c ); c &= 2; writefln("Line 9 - &= Operator Example, Value of c = %d ", c ); c ^= 2; writefln("Line 10 - ^= Operator Example, Value of c = %d ", c ); c |= 2; writefln("Line 11 - |= Operator Example, Value of c = %d ", c ); return 0; }
Line 1 - = Operator Example, Value of c = 21 Line 2 - += Operator Example, Value of c = 42 Line 3 - -= Operator Example, Value of c = 21 Line 4 - *= Operator Example, Value of c = 441 Line 5 - /= Operator Example, Value of c = 21 Line 6 - %= Operator Example, Value of c = 11 Line 7 - <<= Operator Example, Value of c = 44 Line 8 - >>= Operator Example, Value of c = 11 Line 9 - &= Operator Example, Value of c = 2 Line 10 - ^= Operator Example, Value of c = 0 Line 11 - |= Operator Example, Value of c = 2