C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\meteorApp> mkdir packages
現在我們可以在上面建立的檔案夾中建立你的包。執行命令提示字元執行以下命令。Username 是您的 Meteor 開發者的使用者名和package-name是你的包的名稱。
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\meteorApp\packages>meteor create --package username:package-name
為了能夠本地包新增到我們的應用程式,需要設定環境變數(ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE),將告訴 meteor 從本地檔案夾載入包。右鍵單擊"計算機"圖示,然後選擇屬性/高階系統設定/環境變數/新建。
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\meteorApp>meteor add username:package-name
C:\Users\Adminitrator\Desktop\meteorApp>meteor add tinytest
如果你開啟 package-name-test.js, 你會看到預設的測試例子。我們將用這個例子來測試應用程式。開發 Meteor 包時,你應該要寫寫自己的測試。
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>meteor test-packages packages/package-name
myPackageFunction = function() { console.log('This is simple package...'); }
這是我們可以設定一些程式包組態檔案。 我們一會再回到它,但現在需要匯出myPackageFunction,就可以在應用程式中使用它了。我們需要新增這些到 Package.onUse 函式內。該檔案將是這個樣子。
Package.describe({ name: 'username:package-name', version: '0.0.1', // Brief, one-line summary of the package. summary: '', // URL to the Git repository containing the source code for this package. git: '', // By default, Meteor will default to using README.md for documentation. // To avoid submitting documentation, set this field to null. documentation: 'README.md' }); Package.onUse(function(api) { api.versionsFrom('1.2.1'); api.use('ecmascript'); api.addFiles('mypackage.js'); api.export('myPackageFunction'); // We are exporting the function we created above... }); Package.onTest(function(api) { api.use('ecmascript'); api.use('tinytest'); api.use('username:package-name'); api.addFiles('package-name-tests.js'); });
if(Meteor.isClient) { myPackageFunction(); }
/* Information about this package */ Package.describe({ // Short two-sentence summary. summary: "What this does", // Version number. version: "1.0.0", // Optional. Default is package directory name. name: "username:package-name", // Optional github URL to your source repository. git: "https://github.com/something/something.git", }); /* This defines your actual package */ Package.onUse(function (api) { // If no version is specified for an 'api.use' dependency, use the // one defined in Meteor 0.9.0. api.versionsFrom('0.9.0'); // Use Underscore package, but only on the server. // Version not specified, so it will be as of Meteor 0.9.0. api.use('underscore', 'server'); // Use iron:router package, version 1.0.0 or newer. api.use('iron:[email protected]'); // Give users of this package access to the Templating package. api.imply('templating') // Export the object 'Email' to packages or apps that use this package. api.export('Email', 'server'); // Specify the source code for the package. api.addFiles('email.js', 'server'); }); /* This defines the tests for the package */ Package.onTest(function (api) { // Sets up a dependency on this package api.use('username:package-name'); // Allows you to use the 'tinytest' framework api.use('[email protected]'); // Specify the source code for the package tests api.addFiles('email_tests.js', 'server'); }); /* This lets you use npm packages in your package*/ Npm.depends({ simplesmtp: "0.3.10", "stream-buffers": "0.2.5" });