路徑 ? 路徑是指沿一棵樹的邊緣節點的序列。
根 ? 節點在樹的頂部被稱為根。有每棵樹只有一個根和一個路徑從根節點到任何節點。
父子點 ? 除根節點的任何一個節點都有一個邊緣向上的節點稱為父節點。
子節點 ? 給定節點的邊緣部分連線向下以下節點被稱為它的子節點。
葉子點 ? 節點不具有任何子節點被稱為葉節點。
子樹 ? 子樹代表一個節點的後代。
存取 ? 存取是指檢查某個節點的值在控制的節點上時。
遍歷 ? 遍歷意味著通過節點傳遞一個特定的順序。
層次 ? 一個節點的層次表示的節點的產生。如果根節點的級別是0,那麼它的下一子結點為1級,其孫子是2級等。
鍵 ? 鍵表示基於一個節點在其上的搜尋操作將被進行了一個節點的值。
搜尋 ? 搜尋一棵樹中的元素
插入 ? 插入元素到一棵樹中
前序遍歷 ? 遍歷樹前序方法
中序遍歷 ? 遍歷樹在序方法
後序遍歷? 遍歷樹的後序方法
struct node { int data; struct node *leftChild; struct node *rightChild; };
struct node* search(int data){ struct node *current = root; printf("Visiting elements: "); while(current->data != data){ if(current != NULL) printf("%d ",current->data); //go to left tree if(current->data > data){ current = current->leftChild; }//else go to right tree else{ current = current->rightChild; } //not found if(current == NULL){ return NULL; } return current; } }
void insert(int data){ struct node *tempNode = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); struct node *current; struct node *parent; tempNode->data = data; tempNode->leftChild = NULL; tempNode->rightChild = NULL; //if tree is empty if(root == NULL){ root = tempNode; }else{ current = root; parent = NULL; while(1){ parent = current; //go to left of the tree if(data < parent->data){ current = current->leftChild; //insert to the left if(current == NULL){ parent->leftChild = tempNode; return; } }//go to right of the tree else{ current = current->rightChild; //insert to the right if(current == NULL){ parent->rightChild = tempNode; return; } } } } }
void preOrder(struct node* root){ if(root != NULL){ printf("%d ",root->data); preOrder(root->leftChild); preOrder(root->rightChild); } }
void inOrder(struct node* root){ if(root != NULL){ inOrder(root->leftChild); printf("%d ",root->data); inOrder(root->rightChild); } }
void postOrder(struct node* root){ if(root != NULL){ postOrder(root->leftChild); postOrder(root->rightChild); printf("%d ",root->data); } }
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> struct node { int data; struct node *leftChild; struct node *rightChild; }; struct node *root = NULL; void insert(int data){ struct node *tempNode = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); struct node *current; struct node *parent; tempNode->data = data; tempNode->leftChild = NULL; tempNode->rightChild = NULL; //if tree is empty if(root == NULL){ root = tempNode; }else{ current = root; parent = NULL; while(1){ parent = current; //go to left of the tree if(data < parent->data){ current = current->leftChild; //insert to the left if(current == NULL){ parent->leftChild = tempNode; return; } }//go to right of the tree else{ current = current->rightChild; //insert to the right if(current == NULL){ parent->rightChild = tempNode; return; } } } } } struct node* search(int data){ struct node *current = root; printf("Visiting elements: "); while(current->data != data){ if(current != NULL) printf("%d ",current->data); //go to left tree if(current->data > data){ current = current->leftChild; }//else go to right tree else{ current = current->rightChild; } //not found if(current == NULL){ return NULL; } } return current; } void preOrder(struct node* root){ if(root != NULL){ printf("%d ",root->data); preOrder(root->leftChild); preOrder(root->rightChild); } } void inOrder(struct node* root){ if(root != NULL){ inOrder(root->leftChild); printf("%d ",root->data); inOrder(root->rightChild); } } void postOrder(struct node* root){ if(root != NULL){ postOrder(root->leftChild); postOrder(root->rightChild); printf("%d ",root->data); } } void traverse(int traversalType){ switch(traversalType){ case 1: printf("\nPreorder traversal: "); preOrder(root); break; case 2: printf("\nInorder traversal: "); inOrder(root); break; case 3: printf("\nPostorder traversal: "); postOrder(root); break; } } int main() { /* 11 //Level 0 */ insert(11); /* 11 //Level 0 * | * |---20 //Level 1 */ insert(20); /* 11 //Level 0 * | * 3---|---20 //Level 1 */ insert(3); /* 11 //Level 0 * | * 3---|---20 //Level 1 * | * |--42 //Level 2 */ insert(42); /* 11 //Level 0 * | * 3---|---20 //Level 1 * | * |--42 //Level 2 * | * |--54 //Level 3 */ insert(54); /* 11 //Level 0 * | * 3---|---20 //Level 1 * | * 16--|--42 //Level 2 * | * |--54 //Level 3 */ insert(16); /* 11 //Level 0 * | * 3---|---20 //Level 1 * | * 16--|--42 //Level 2 * | * 32--|--54 //Level 3 */ insert(32); /* 11 //Level 0 * | * 3---|---20 //Level 1 * | | * |--9 16--|--42 //Level 2 * | * 32--|--54 //Level 3 */ insert(9); /* 11 //Level 0 * | * 3---|---20 //Level 1 * | | * |--9 16--|--42 //Level 2 * | | * 4--| 32--|--54 //Level 3 */ insert(4); /* 11 //Level 0 * | * 3---|---20 //Level 1 * | | * |--9 16--|--42 //Level 2 * | | * 4--|--10 32--|--54 //Level 3 */ insert(10); struct node * temp = search(32); if(temp != NULL){ printf("Element found.\n"); printf("( %d )",temp->data); printf("\n"); }else{ printf("Element not found.\n"); } struct node *node1 = search(2); if(node1 != NULL){ printf("Element found.\n"); printf("( %d )",node1->data); printf("\n"); }else{ printf("Element not found.\n"); } //pre-order traversal //root, left ,right traverse(1); //in-order traversal //left, root ,right traverse(2); //post order traversal //left, right, root traverse(3); }
如果我們編譯並執行上述程式,那麼這將產生以下結果 -
Visiting elements: 11 20 42 Element found.(32) Visiting elements: 11 3 Element not found. Preorder traversal: 11 3 9 4 10 20 16 42 32 54 Inorder traversal: 3 4 9 10 11 16 20 32 42 54 Postorder traversal: 4 10 9 3 16 32 54 42 20 11