#include <libaio.h>
標籤 | 描述 |
long io_submit (aio_context_t ctx_id, long nr, struct iocb **iocbpp); |
io_submit() queues nr I/O request blocks for processing in the AIO context ctx_id.iocbpp should be an array of nr AIO request blocks, which will be submitted to contextctx_id.
io_submit() returns the number of iocbs submitted and 0 if nr is zero.
標籤 | 描述 |
The aio_context specified by ctx_id is invalid. nr is less than 0. The iocb at *iocbpp[0] is not properly initialized, or the operation specified is invalid for the file descriptor in the iocb.
One of the data structures yiibais to invalid data.
The file descriptor specified in the first iocb is invalid.
Insufficient resources are available to queue any iocbs.
io_submit() is not implemented on this architecture.
io_submit() 是Linux特有的,並應在該旨在是可移植的程式不被使用。
The asynchronous I/O system calls first appeared in Linux 2.5, August 2002.
io_setup(2), io_destroy(2), io_getevents(2), io_cancel(2).
The asynchronous I/O system calls were written by Benjamin LaHaise.