get_kernel_syms()函式 Unix/Linux

get_kernel_syms -檢索匯出的核心和模組的符號


#include <linux/module.h>

int get_kernel_syms(struct kernel_sym *table);


如果 table 為 NULL, get_kernel_syms() 返回可用於查詢符號的數目。否則填充結構的一個表:

struct kernel_sym {
    unsigned long value;
    char          name[60];

The symbols are interspersed with magic symbols of the form #module-name with the kernel having an empty name. The value associated with a symbol of this form is the address at which the module is loaded.

The symbols exported from each module follow their magic module tag and the modules are returned in the reverse of the order in which they were loaded.


Returns the number of symbols copied to table. There is no possible error return.


get_kernel_syms() is Linux specific.


There is no way to indicate the size of the buffer allocated for table. If symbols have been added to the kernel since the program queried for the symbol table size, memory will be corrupted.

The length of exported symbol names is limited to 59 characters.

Because of these limitations, this system call is deprecated in favor of query_module(2) (which is itself nowadays deprecated in favor of other interfaces described on its manual page).


This system call is only present on Linux up until kernel 2.4; it was removed in Linux 2.6.
