ifdef 語句執行在分析時不執行。這可以讓你改變了你的程式執行在一個非常有效的方式。
ifdef 語句的語法是:
ifdef macro then -- Statements will execute if the macro is defined. end if |
if 布林表示式的值為true,那麼裡面的程式碼塊,如果語句會被執行。如果沒有ifdef 語句結束後第一套程式碼將被執行。
ifdef 檢查用定義關鍵字定義的巨集。像WIN32_CONSOLE,WIN32或LINUX的巨集定義有很多,你可以定義自己的巨集如:
with define MY_WORD -- defines |
without define OTHER_WORD -- undefines |
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui with define DEBUG integer a = 10 integer b = 20 ifdef DEBUG then puts(1, "Hello, I am a debug message one\n") end ifdef if (a + b) < 40 then printf(1, "%s\n", {"This is true if statement!"}) end if if (a + b) > 40 then printf(1, "%s\n", {"This is not true if statement!"}) end if |
Hello, I am a debug message one This is true if statement! |
ifdef...elsedef 語法如下:
ifdef macro then -- Statements will execute if the macro is defined. elsedef -- Statements will execute if the macro is not defined. end if |
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui ifdef WIN32 then puts(1, "This is windows 32 platform\n") elsedef puts(1, "This is not windows 32 platform\n") end ifdef |
This is not windows 32 platform |
您可以選中多個巨集使用 ifdef...elsifdef 語句。
ifdef...elsifdef 語句的語法是:
ifdef macro1 then -- Statements will execute if the macro1 is defined. elsifdef macro2 then -- Statements will execute if the macro2 is defined. elsifdef macro3 then -- Statements will execute if the macro3 is defined. ....................... elsedef -- Statements will execute if the macro is not defined. end if |
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui ifdef WIN32 then puts(1, "This is windows 32 platform\n") elsifdef LINUX then puts(1, "This is LINUX platform\n") elsedef puts(1, "This is neither Unix nor Windows\n") end ifdef |
This is LINUX platform |