Unix 檔案系統基礎


你的硬碟驅動器,可以有不同的分割區通常只包含一個檔案系統,如一個檔案系統 / 檔案系統或其他包含/home檔案系統。




Unix 使用層次結構的檔案系統的結構,很象一個倒置的樹,在該檔案系統的基礎上,並從那裡擴充套件的所有其他目錄的根目錄(/)。

UNIX 檔案系統中的檔案和目錄的集合,具有以下屬性:

  • 它有一個根目錄(/),其中包含其他檔案和目錄。

  • 每個檔案或目錄被唯一標識,它的名字,它的目錄,以及一個唯一的識別符號,通常被稱為一個inode。

  • 按照慣例,根目錄下有一個inode號為2和3的lost + found目錄中有一個inode號。 inode編號0和1不使用。指定-i選項的ls命令可以看到檔案的inode編號。

  • 這是自包含的。沒有一個檔案系統,以及任何其他的之間的依賴關係。


目錄 描述
/ This is the root directory which should contain only the directories needed at the top level of the file structure.
/bin This is where the executable files are located. They are available to all user.
/dev These are device drivers.
/etc Supervisor directory commands, configuration files, disk configuration files, valid user lists, groups, ethernet, hosts, where to send critical messages.
/lib Contains shared library files and sometimes other kernel-related files.
/boot Contains files for booting the system.
/home Contains the home directory for users and other accounts.
/mnt Used to mount other temporary file systems, such as cdrom and floppy for the CD-ROM drive and floppy diskette drive, respectively
/proc Contains all processes marked as a file by process number or other information that is dynamic to the system.
/tmp Holds temporary files used between system boots
/usr Used for miscellaneous purposes, or can be used by many users. Includes administrative commands, shared files, library files, and others
/var Typically contains variable-length files such as log and print files and any other type of file that may contain a variable amount of data
/sbin Contains binary (executable) files, usually for system administration. For examplefdisk and ifconfig utlities.
/kernel Contains kernel files



命令 描述
cat filename Displays a filename.
cd dirname Moves you to the directory identified.
cp file1 file2 Copies one file/directory to specified location.
file filename Identifies the file type (binary, text, etc).
find filename dir Finds a file/directory.
head filename Shows the beginning of a file.
less filename Browses through a file from end or beginning.
ls dirname Shows the contents of the directory specified.
mkdir dirname Creates the specified directory.
more filename Browses through a file from beginning to end.
mv file1 file2 Moves the location of or renames a file/directory.
pwd Shows the current directory the user is in.
rm filename Removes a file.
rmdir dirname Removes a directory.
tail filename Shows the end of a file.
touch filename Creates a blank file or modifies an existing file.s attributes.
whereis filename Shows the location of a file.
which filename Shows the location of a file if it is in your PATH.


df 命令:


$df -k
Filesystem      1K-blocks      Used   Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/vzfs        10485760   7836644     2649116  75% /
/devices                0         0           0   0% /devices

一些目錄,如  /devices,顯示0位元組,使用和可用列的能力,以及0%。這些特殊的檔案系統(或虛擬),雖然它們駐留在磁碟上/下,它們本身不佔用磁碟空間。

df -k 輸出所有的Unix系統上大致相同。下面是它通常包括:

Column 描述
Filesystem The physical file system name.
kbytes Total kilobytes of space available on the storage medium.
used Total kilobytes of space used (by files).
avail Total kilobytes available for use.
capacity Percentage of total space used by files.
Mounted on What the file system is mounted on.


du 命令:



$du /etc
10     /etc/cron.d
126    /etc/default
6      /etc/dfs


$du -h /etc
5k    /etc/cron.d
63k   /etc/default
3k    /etc/dfs



$ mount
/dev/vzfs on / type reiserfs (rw,usrquota,grpquota)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,nodiratime)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)

/ mnt目錄下,Unix的慣例,是位於臨時裝片(如CD-ROM驅動器,遠端網路驅動器,軟碟驅動器)。如果您需要掛載檔案系統,可以使用mount命令的語法如下:

mount -t file_system_type device_to_mount directory_to_mount_to

例如,如果你想要的CD-ROM安裝到目錄 /mnt/cdrom,例如,您可以鍵入:

$ mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

假定您的CD-ROM裝置名為  /dev/cdrom命令要掛載到 /mnt/cdrom。更具體的資訊或幫助資訊在命令列中鍵入mount -h ,請參閱安裝手冊頁。

安裝後,您可以使用cd 命令導航最新的檔案系統掛載點。




$ umount /dev/cdrom

mount 命令,使您能夠存取您的檔案系統,但最現代的Unix系統,自動裝載功能,使這個過程對使用者不可見,無需干預。




  • Soft Limit: 如果使用者超過定義的限制,有一個寬限期,允許使用者騰出一些空間。

  • Hard Limit: 當達到硬限制,無論在寬限期,沒有進一步的檔案或塊可以分配。


命令 描述
quota Displays disk usage and limits for a user of group.
edquota This is a quota editor. Users or Groups quota can be edited using this command.
quotacheck Scan a filesystem for disk usage, create, check and repair quota files
setquota This is also a command line quota editor.
quotaon This announces to the system that disk quotas should be enabled on one or more filesystems.
quotaoff This announces to the system that disk quotas should be disabled off one or more filesystems.
repquota This prints a summary of the disc usage and quotas for the specified file systems

您可以使用 聯機幫助幫助 提到的每個命令的語法檢查完成。