分支操作建立另一條線路開發。它是有用的,當有人想開發過程叉成兩個不同的方向。讓我們假設發布的產品版本1.0中,可能要建立新的分支,所以可以保持獨立,發展2.01.0 bug修復。
在本節中,我們將看到如何建立,遍歷和合併分支。Jerry 已經沮喪,因為衝突,所以他決定建立新的私有分支。
[jerry@CentOS project_repo]$ ls branches tags trunk [jerry@CentOS project_repo]$ svn copy trunk branches/jerry_branch A branches/jerry_branch [jerry@CentOS project_repo]$ svn status A + branches/jerry_branch [jerry@CentOS project_repo]$ svn commit -m "Jerry's private branch" Adding branches/jerry_branch Adding branches/jerry_branch/README Committed revision 9. [jerry@CentOS project_repo]$
Jerry 是在他的私人分支工作。他補充說陣列的排序操作。Jerry 修改後的程式碼看起來是這樣的。
[jerry@CentOS project_repo]$ cd branches/jerry_branch/ [jerry@CentOS jerry_branch]$ cat array.c
#include <stdio.h> #define MAX 16 void bubble_sort(int *arr, int n) { int i, j, temp, flag = 1; for (i = 1; i < n && flag == 1; ++i) { flag = 0; for (j = 0; j < n - i; ++j) { if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) { flag = 1; temp = arr[j]; arr[j] = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = temp; } } } } void accept_input(int *arr, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%d", &arr[i]); } void display(int *arr, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf("|%d| ", arr[i]); printf(" "); } int main(void) { int i, n, key, ret, arr[MAX]; printf("Enter the total number of elements: "); scanf("%d", &n); /* Error handling for array overflow */ if (n >MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "Number of elements must be less than %d ", MAX); return 1; } printf("Enter the elements "); accept_input(arr, n); printf("Array has following elements "); display(arr, n); printf("Sorted data is "); bubble_sort(arr, n); display(arr, n); return 0; }
Jerry 編譯並測試自己的程式碼和準備提交他修改的變化。
[jerry@CentOS jerry_branch]$ make array cc array.c -o array [jerry@CentOS jerry_branch]$ ./array
Enter the total number of elements: 5 Enter the elements 10 -4 2 7 9 Array has following elements |10| |-4| |2| |7| |9| Sorted data is |-4| |2| |7| |9| |10| [jerry@CentOS jerry_branch]$ svn status ? array M array.c [jerry@CentOS jerry_branch]$ svn commit -m "Added sort operation" Sending jerry_branch/array.c Transmitting file data . Committed revision 10.
[tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn diff
Index: array.c =================================================================== --- array.c (revision 10) +++ array.c (working copy) @@ -2,6 +2,27 @@ #define MAX 16 +int bin_search(int *arr, int n, int key) +{ + int low, high, mid; + + low = 0; + high = n - 1; + mid = low + (high - low) / 2; + + while (low <= high) { + if (arr[mid] == key) + return mid; + if (arr[mid] > key) + high = mid - 1; + else + low = mid + 1; + mid = low + (high - low) / 2; + } + + return -1; +} + void accept_input(int *arr, int n) { int i; @@ -22,7 +43,7 @@ int main(void) { - int i, n, arr[MAX]; + int i, n, ret, key, arr[MAX]; printf("Enter the total number of elements: "); scanf("%d", &n); @@ -39,5 +60,16 @@ printf("Array has following elements "); display(arr, n); + printf("Enter the element to be searched: "); + scanf("%d", &key); + + ret = bin_search(arr, n, key); + if (ret < 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "%d element not present in array ", key); + return 1; + } + + printf("%d element found at location %d ", key, ret + 1); + return 0; }
[tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn status ? array M array.c [tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn commit -m "Added search operation" Sending trunk/array.c Transmitting file data . Committed revision 11.
但Tom 好奇為什麼 Jerry 一直在做他的私人分支。
[tom@CentOS trunk]$ cd ../branches/ [tom@CentOS branches]$ svn up A jerry_branch A jerry_branch/array.c A jerry_branch/README [tom@CentOS branches]$ svn log ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r9 | jerry | 2013-08-27 21:56:51 +0530 (Tue, 27 Aug 2013) | 1 line Added sort operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------
檢視Subversion的紀錄檔訊息,Tom發現,Jerry實現的排序操作。Tom執行搜尋操作使用二進位制搜尋演算法,它總是希望資料的排序順序。但是,如果使用者提供的資料,未排序的順序呢?在這種情況下的二進位制搜尋操作將失敗。於是,他決定採用Jerry 的程式碼,搜尋操作前對資料進行排序。於是,他會要求Subversion的從Jerry的分支到主幹合併程式碼。
[tom@CentOS trunk]$ pwd /home/tom/project_repo/trunk [tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn merge ../branches/jerry_branch/ --- Merging r9 through r11 into '.': U array.c
[tom@CentOS trunk]$ cat array.c
#include <stdio.h> #define MAX 16 void bubble_sort(int *arr, int n) { int i, j, temp, flag = 1; for (i = 1; i < n && flag == 1; ++i) { flag = 0; for (j = 0; j < n - i; ++j) { if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) { flag = 1; temp = arr[j]; arr[j] = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = temp; } } } } int bin_search(int *arr, int n, int key) { int low, high, mid; low = 0; high = n - 1; mid = low + (high - low) / 2; while (low <= high) { if (arr[mid] == key) return mid; if (arr[mid] > key) high = mid - 1; else low = mid + 1; mid = low + (high - low) / 2; } return -1; } void accept_input(int *arr, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%d", &arr[i]); } void display(int *arr, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf("|%d| ", arr[i]); printf(" "); } int main(void) { int i, n, ret, key, arr[MAX]; printf("Enter the total number of elements: "); scanf("%d", &n); /* Error handling for array overflow */ if (n > MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "Number of elements must be less than %d ", MAX); return 1; } printf("Enter the elements "); accept_input(arr, n); printf("Array has following elements "); display(arr, n); printf("Sorted data is "); bubble_sort(arr, n); display(arr, n); printf("Enter the element to be searched: "); scanf("%d", &key); ret = bin_search(arr, n, key); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%d element not present in array ", key); return 1; } printf("%d element found at location %d ", key, ret + 1); return 0; }
Tom 測試完成後,提交他的修改到版本庫。
[tom@CentOS trunk]$ make array cc array.c -o array [tom@CentOS trunk]$ ./array Enter the total number of elements: 5 Enter the elements 10 -2 8 15 3 Array has following elements |10| |-2| |8| |15| |3| Sorted data is |-2| |3| |8| |10| |15| Enter the element to be searched: -2 -2 element found at location 1 [tom@CentOS trunk]$ svn commit -m "Merge changes from Jerry's code" Sending trunk Sending trunk/array.c Transmitting file data . Committed revision 12. [tom@CentOS trunk]$