NumberArray :: NumberArray(NumberArray&obj)
此複製建構函式通過在複製之前為新物件的指標分配單獨的記憶體來避免預設複製建構函式的問題:NumberArray :: NumberArray (NumberArray &obj) { arraySize = obj.arraySize; aPtr = new double[arraySize]; for(int index = 0; index < arraySize; index++) aPtr[index] = obj.aPtr[index]; }複製建構函式不應該改變被複製的物件,所以它將其實參宣告為 const。下面的程式展示了修改 NumberArray 類以使用程式設計師定義的複製建構函式的方法。類宣告在 NumberArray2.h 檔案中,其成員函數的實現在 NumberArray2.cpp 中給出。
//NumberArray2.h 的內容 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class NumberArray { private: double *aPtr; int arraySize; public: NumberArray(NumberArray &); NumberArray(int size, double value); ~NumberArray() { if (arraySize > 0) delete [] aPtr;} void print() const; void.setValue(double value); }; //NumberArray2. cpp 的內容 #include <iostream> #include "NumberArray2.h" using namespace std; NumberArray::NumberArray(NumberArray &obj) { arraySize = obj.arraySize; aPtr = new double[arraySize]; for(int index = 0; index < arraySize; index++) aPtr[index] = obj.aPtr[index]; } NumberArray::NumberArray(int size, double value) { arraySize = size; aPtr = new double[arraySize]; setValue(value); } void NumberArray::setValue(double value) { for(int index = 0; index < arraySize; index++) aPtr[index] = value; } void NumberArray::print() const { for (int index = 0; index < arraySize; index++) cout << aPtr[index] << " "; } //main函數的內容 // This program demonstrates the use of copy constructors. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include "NumberArray2.h" using namespace std; int main() { NumberArray first(3, 10.5); //Make second a copy of first object NumberArray second = first; // Display the values of the two objects cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint; cout << "Value stored in first object is "; first.print(); cout << "nValue stored in second object is "; second.print(); cout << "nOnly the value in second object will " << "be changed.n"; //Now change value stored in second object second.setValue(20.5); // Display the values stored in the two objects cout << "Value stored in first object is "; first.print (); cout << endl << "Value stored in second object is "; second.print (); return 0; }程式輸出結果:
Value stored in first object is 10.50 10.50 10.50
Value stored in second object is 10.50 10.50 10.50
Only the value in second object will be changed.
Value stored in first object is 10.50 10.50 10.50
Value stored in second object is 20.50 20.50 20.50
識別符號參照形參將導致編譯器錯誤。此外,形參應該是一個 const 參照,因為複製建構函式不應該修改被複製的物件。
Rectangle box(5, 10);
Rectangle b = box; // 初始化語句
Rectangle b1(box) ; // 初始化語句
void fun(Rectangle rect)
這將導致 Rectangle 複製建構函式被呼叫。最後,只要函數通過值返回類的物件,就會自動呼叫複製建構函式。因此,在以下函數中,當 return 語句被執行時將呼叫複製建構函式:Rectangle makeRectangle() { Rectangle rect(12, 3); return rect; }這是因為 return 語句必須為該物件建立一個臨時的非區域性副本,以便在函數返回之後,呼叫者可以使用該副本。總而言之,一個類的複製建構函式將在以下情況下被呼叫: