static <return type><function name> (<parameter list>)
靜態成員函數通常用於處理類的靜態成員變數。實際上,對於類的成員函數來說,如果它不能存取類的任何非靜態成員,則應該將該函數變成靜態成員函數。//budget2.h的內容 #ifndef BUDGET_H #define BUDGET_H class Budget { private: static double corpBudget; double divBudget; public: Budget() { divBudget =0; } void addBudget(double b) { divBudget += b; corpBudget += divBudget; } double getDivBudget() const { return divBudget; } static double getCorpBudget() { return corpBudget; } static void mainOffice(double); }; #endif //budge t2.cpp 的內容 #include "budget2.h" // Definition of the static member of Budget class. double Budget::corpBudget = 0; void Budget::mainOffice(double budReq) { corpBudget += budReq; } //main程式的內容 // This program demonstrates a static class member function. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include "budget2.h" // For Budget class declaration using namespace std; int main() { const int N_DIVISIONS = 4; // Get the budget requests for each division cout << "Enter the main office's budget request: "; double amount; cin >> amount; // Call the static member function of the Budget class Budget::mainOffice(amount); // Create instances of the Budget class Budget divisions[N_DIVISIONS]; for (int count = 0; count < N_DIVISIONS; count++) { double bud; cout << "Enter the budget request for division "; cout << (count + 1) << ": "; cin >> bud; divisions[count].addBudget(bud); } // Display the budget for each division cout << setprecision (2); cout << showpoint << fixed; cout << "nHere are the division budget requests:n"; for (int count = 0; count < N_DIVISIONS; count++) { cout << "tDivision " << (count + 1) << "t$ "; cout << divisions[count].getDivBudget() << endl; } //Print total budget requests cout << "Total Requests (including main office) : $ "; cout << Budget::getCorpBudget() << endl; return 0; }程式輸出結果:
Enter the main office's budget request: 400000
Enter the budget request for division 1: 102000
Enter the budget request for division 2: 210000
Enter the budget request for division 3: 240000
Enter the budget request for division 4: 105000
Here are the divisionbudget requests:
Division 1 $ 102000.00
Division 2 $ 210000.00
Division 3 $ 240000.00
Division 4 $ 105000.00
Total Requests (including main office): $ 1057000.00
對靜態成員函數的呼叫,通常通過使用作用域解析運算子將函數名稱連線到類名來完成。如果已經定義了類的物件,那麼靜態成員函數也可以通過使用點運算子將它們的名稱連線到物件來呼叫。因此,此程式的最後一個輸出語句可以寫成以下形式:cout << divisions[0].getCorpBudget() << endl;
this 指標不能在靜態成員函數中使用,因為靜態成員函數不是通過它們所屬類的任何範例呼叫的。而且,靜態成員函數除非指定該成員屬於哪個範例,否則不能存取其類的範例成員。class StatAccess { private: int x; public: static void output() { cout << x; //對非靜態成員的不正確存取 } StatAccess(int x) { this->x = x; } };在語句
中試圖存取 x 是不正確的,因為它等於隱式使用 this 指標,而這是靜態函數 output 所不具有的。相反,在以下修改過的同一個類的範例中,靜態成員函數 print 正確地存取了非靜態成員 x,因為它使用了傳遞給它的類物件的名稱作為形參來限定它。class StatAccess { private: int x; public: static void print(StatAccess a) { cout << a.x; } StatAccess(int x) { this->x = x; } };靜態成員函數的一個優點是可以在任何類的範例被建立之前呼叫它們,這使得它們可以用來執行複雜的初始化任務,這些任務必須在建立類的物件之前完成。