std::array<double,4> these {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0}; std::array<double,4> those {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0}; std::array<double,4> them {1.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0}; if (these == those) std::cout << "these and those are equal." << std::endl; if (those != them) std::cout << "those and them are not equal."<< std::endl; if (those < them) std::cout << "those are less than them."<< std::endl; if (them > those) std::cout << "them are greater than those." << std::endl;容器被逐元素地比較。對 ==,如果兩個陣列對應的元素都相等,會返回 true。對於 !=,兩個陣列中只要有一個元素不相等,就會返回 true。這也是字典中單詞排序的根本方式,兩個單詞中相關聯字母的不同決定了單詞的順序。這個程式碼片段中所有的比較運算都是 true。所以當它們執行時,會輸出 4 條訊息。
them = those;賦值運算子左邊的陣列容器的元素,將會被賦值運算子心邊的陣列容器的元素覆蓋。