os.utime(path, times)
path -- 這是該檔案的路徑
times -- 這是要設定的檔案存取和修改時間。如果time沒有提供,則檔案存取和修改時間設定為當前時間。引數 times 由排在(atime, mtime)即(存取時間,修改時間)的形式。
# !/usr/bin/python3 import os, sys, time os.chdir("d:\\tmp") # Showing stat information of file stinfo = os.stat('foo.txt') print (stinfo) # Using os.stat to recieve atime and mtime of file print ("access time of foo.txt: %s" %stinfo.st_atime) print ("modified time of foo.txt: %s" %stinfo.st_mtime) print (time.asctime( time.localtime(stinfo.st_atime))) # Modifying atime and mtime os.utime("foo.txt",(1330712280, 1330712292)) print ("after modification") print (time.asctime( time.localtime(stinfo.st_atime))) print ("done!!")
os.stat_result(st_mode=33206, st_ino=1688849860351098, st_dev=1017554828, st_nlink=1, st_uid=0, st_gid=0, st_size=0, st_atime=1455684273, st_mtime=1455684273, st_ctime=1455683589) access time of foo.txt: 1455684273.84375 modified time of foo.txt: 1455684273.84375 Wed Feb 17 10:14:33 2016 after modification Fri Mar 2 23:48:00 2012 done!!