
2019-10-16 22:58:07


在之前的教學中,已經學習了如何使用INNER JOINLEFT JOINCROSS JOIN子句將表連線到其他表。 但是,有一個特殊情況,需要將表自身連線,這被稱為自連線。



我們來看看範例資料庫(yiibaidb)中的employees表,其表結構如下所示 -


    CONCAT(m.lastname, ', ', m.firstname) AS 'Manager',
    CONCAT(e.lastname, ', ', e.firstname) AS 'Direct report'
    employees e
        INNER JOIN
    employees m ON m.employeeNumber = e.reportsto
ORDER BY manager;

執行上面查詢,得到以下結果 -

| Manager            | Direct report      |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Jones, Barry       |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Castillo, Pamela   |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Bondur, Loui       |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Bott, Larry        |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Gerard, Martin     |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Hernandez, Gerard  |
| Bow, Anthony       | Vanauf, George     |
| Bow, Anthony       | Patterson, Steve   |
| Bow, Anthony       | Thompson, Leslie   |
| Bow, Anthony       | Tseng, Foon Yue    |
| Bow, Anthony       | Firrelli, Julie    |
| Bow, Anthony       | Jennings, Leslie   |
| Murphy, Diane      | Firrelli, Jeff     |
| Murphy, Diane      | Patterson, Mary    |
| Nishi, Mami        | Kato, Yoshimi      |
| Patterson, Mary    | Bow, Anthony       |
| Patterson, Mary    | Patterson, William |
| Patterson, Mary    | Bondur, Gerard     |
| Patterson, Mary    | Nishi, Mami        |
| Patterson, William | Marsh, Peter       |
| Patterson, William | King, Tom          |
| Patterson, William | Fixter, Andy       |
22 rows in set

在上述輸出中,只能看到有經理的員工。 但是,由於INNER JOIN子句,所以看不到總經理。總經理是沒有任何經理的員工,或者他的經理人是NULL

我們將上述查詢中的INNER JOIN子句更改為LEFT JOIN子句,以包括總經理。 如果管理員名稱為NULL,則還需要使用IFNULL函式來顯示總經理。

    IFNULL(CONCAT(m.lastname, ', ', m.firstname),
            'Top Manager') AS 'Manager',
    CONCAT(e.lastname, ', ', e.firstname) AS 'Direct report'
    employees e
        LEFT JOIN
    employees m ON m.employeeNumber = e.reportsto
ORDER BY manager DESC;

執行上面查詢,得到以下結果 -

| Manager            | Direct report      |
| Top Manager        | Murphy, Diane      |
| Patterson, William | Fixter, Andy       |
| Patterson, William | Marsh, Peter       |
| Patterson, William | King, Tom          |
| Patterson, Mary    | Bondur, Gerard     |
| Patterson, Mary    | Nishi, Mami        |
| Patterson, Mary    | Bow, Anthony       |
| Patterson, Mary    | Patterson, William |
| Nishi, Mami        | Kato, Yoshimi      |
| Murphy, Diane      | Patterson, Mary    |
| Murphy, Diane      | Firrelli, Jeff     |
| Bow, Anthony       | Tseng, Foon Yue    |
| Bow, Anthony       | Firrelli, Julie    |
| Bow, Anthony       | Jennings, Leslie   |
| Bow, Anthony       | Vanauf, George     |
| Bow, Anthony       | Patterson, Steve   |
| Bow, Anthony       | Thompson, Leslie   |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Bott, Larry        |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Gerard, Martin     |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Hernandez, Gerard  |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Jones, Barry       |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Castillo, Pamela   |
| Bondur, Gerard     | Bondur, Loui       |
23 rows in set

通過使用MySQL自連線,可以通過將customers表連線自身來顯示位於同一個城市的客戶列表。參考以下查詢語句 -

SELECT, c1.customerName, c2.customerName
    customers c1
        INNER JOIN
    customers c2 ON =
        AND c1.customername > c2.customerName

執行上面查詢語句,得到以下結果 -

| city          | customerName                 | customerName                   |
| Auckland      | Kelly's Gift Shop            | Down Under Souveniers, Inc     |
| Auckland      | Kelly's Gift Shop            |                |
| Auckland      |              | Down Under Souveniers, Inc     |
| Boston        |            | Diecast Collectables           |
| Brickhaven    | Collectables For Less Inc.   | Auto-Moto Classics Inc.        |
| Brickhaven    | Online Mini Collectables     | Auto-Moto Classics Inc.        |
| Brickhaven    | Online Mini Collectables     | Collectables For Less Inc.     |
| Cambridge     | Martas Replicas Co.         | Cambridge Collectables Co.     |
| Frankfurt     | Messner Shopping Network     | Blauer See Auto, Co.           |
| Glendale      | Gift Ideas Corp.             | Boards & Toys Co.              |
| Lisboa        | Porto Imports Co.            | Lisboa Souveniers, Inc         |
| London        | Stylish Desk Decors, Co.     | Double Decker Gift Stores, Ltd |
| Madrid        | Corrida Auto Replicas, Ltd   | Anton Designs, Ltd.            |
| Madrid        | Corrida Auto Replicas, Ltd   | ANG Resellers                  |
| Madrid        | CAF Imports                  | Anton Designs, Ltd.            |
| Madrid        | CAF Imports                  | ANG Resellers                  |
| Madrid        | Euro+ Shopping Channel       | Anton Designs, Ltd.            |
| Madrid        | Euro+ Shopping Channel       | ANG Resellers                  |
| Madrid        | Corrida Auto Replicas, Ltd   | CAF Imports                    |
| Madrid        | Euro+ Shopping Channel       | CAF Imports                    |
| Madrid        | Anton Designs, Ltd.          | ANG Resellers                  |
| Madrid        | Euro+ Shopping Channel       | Corrida Auto Replicas, Ltd     |
| Nantes        | La Rochelle Gifts            | Atelier graphique              |
| New Bedford   | Mini Creations Ltd.          |               |
| New Haven     | Super Scale Inc.             | American Souvenirs Inc         |
| NYC           | Muscle Machine Inc           | Classic Legends Inc.           |
| NYC           | Vitachrome Inc.              | Land of Toys Inc.              |
| NYC           | Vitachrome Inc.              | Microscale Inc.                |
| NYC           | Land of Toys Inc.            | Classic Legends Inc.           |
| NYC           | Muscle Machine Inc           | Land of Toys Inc.              |
| NYC           | Muscle Machine Inc           | Microscale Inc.                |
| NYC           | Vitachrome Inc.              | Muscle Machine Inc             |
| NYC           | Microscale Inc.              | Classic Legends Inc.           |
| NYC           | Vitachrome Inc.              | Classic Legends Inc.           |
| NYC           | Microscale Inc.              | Land of Toys Inc.              |
| Paris         | Lyon Souveniers              | La Corne D'abondance, Co.      |
| Paris         | Lyon Souveniers              | Auto Canal+ Petit              |
| Paris         | La Corne D'abondance, Co.    | Auto Canal+ Petit              |
| Philadelphia  | Motor Mint Distributors Inc. | Classic Gift Ideas, Inc        |
| San Francisco | Mini Wheels Co.              | Corporate Gift Ideas Co.       |
| Singapore     | Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.      | Asian Shopping Network, Co     |
| Singapore     | Handji Gifts& Co             | Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.        |
| Singapore     | Handji Gifts& Co             | Asian Shopping Network, Co     |
43 rows in set


  • 指定 = 以確保兩個表的客戶都是來自相同的城市。
  • c.customerName> c2.customerName以確保不要得到相同的客戶。

在本教學中,我們向您介紹了MySQL自連線,可以通過使用INNER JOINLEFT JOIN子句將一個表連線到自身。