如下示程式碼塊,group by 按case when得到的列分組計算,且select時,select 中的case when 與group by中保持一致。
select case when substr(upper(depend_name),1,4)='JCW_' then lower(substr(depend_name,5,length(depend_name))) else lower(depend_name)end as table_name,
sum( case when dt>=date_add(CURRENT_DATE(),-1) then 1 else 0 end) as tb_call_times1,
sum( case when dt>=date_add(CURRENT_DATE(),-8) then 1 else 0 end) as tb_call_times7,
count(1) as tb_call_times30,
concat(max(dt),' 00:00:00') as access_time
from odm.odm_inn_etl_sched_trigger_depend_s_d where dt>add_months(CURRENT_DATE(),-1) and enable=1
group by case when substr(upper(depend_name),1,4)='JCW_' then lower(substr(depend_name,5,length(depend_name))) else lower(depend_name)end
在sum()中使用case when,非常簡化語句,避免多次連線查詢。
select depend_name,
sum( case when dt>=date_add(CURRENT_DATE(),-1) then 1 else 0 end) as tb_call_times1,
sum( case when dt>=date_add(CURRENT_DATE(),-8) then 1 else 0 end) as tb_call_times7,
count(1) as tb_call_times30,
concat(max(dt),' 00:00:00') as access_time
from odm.odm_inn_etl_sched_trigger_depend_s_d where dt>add_months(CURRENT_DATE(),-1) and enable=1
group by depend_name
case when 有兩種用法,等值查詢和非等值查詢。
```sql 等值查詢
case sex
when 1 then 'male'
when 2 then 'female'
else 'mixed'
end as sexual,sex
from tbl
when price>100 then 'expensive'
when price<=100 then 'cheap'
else '異常值'
end as price,價格分類
from tbl