
2020-08-12 23:51:20




1.strAssign:串的賦值操作不能直接用 = 實現。因爲串是一個數組,而 = 不能直接將一個數組賦值給另一個數組,這就要求我們必須對陣列中的元素進行逐個賦值。
2.strCompare:串的比較是串排序應用中的核心操作。設兩串待比較的字元分別爲a、b,若a的碼值小於b的碼值,返回a < b;大於返回a > b。若a = b則繼續比較下一對字元。如果上述步驟完成後沒有比較出結果,那麼先結束的就是較小串,同時結束則相等。
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct String {//變長分配儲存(考試中常用)
    char *ch;//首地址
    int length;//字串長度

bool strAssign(String &str, const char *ch);//字串的賦值操作。
// 不加const會報錯:ISO C++11 does not allow conversion from string literal to 'char *'
// 具體原因請百度

int getLength(String str);//獲得串的長度

int strCompare(String string1, String string2);//比較串的大小。

bool concat(String &str, String string1, String string2);//連線兩字串

bool subString(String &str, String string, int length, int position);//求從position開始到length長度後結束的子串

bool clearString(String &string);

int main() {
    String str{nullptr, 0};
    String p{nullptr, 0};
    String sum{};
    const char *ch = "adfaf";
    const char *s = "adafadsfdfa";

    strAssign(str, ch);
    strAssign(p, s);

    if (strCompare(str, p) != 0) {
        if (strCompare(str, p) < 0)
            cout << "result: str < p" << endl;
            cout << "result: str > p" << endl;
    } else
        cout << "str = p" << endl;

    if (concat(sum, str, p)) {
        cout << "concat success!" << endl;
        cout << "sum: " << sum.ch << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "concat failed!" << endl;

    cout << "sum' length: " << getLength(sum) << endl;

    if (subString(str, sum, 4, 2)) {
        cout << "sub success!" << endl;
        cout << "subString:" << str.ch << endl;
    } else
        cout << "sub failed" << endl;

    if (clearString(sum) && clearString(str) && clearString(p)) {
        cout << "All string have been empty!" << endl;
    } else{
        cout << "clear failed!" << endl;

bool strAssign(String &str, const char *ch) {
    delete str.ch;//清空被賦值串

    int length = 0;
    const char *c = ch;

    while (*c != '\0') {

    if (length == 0) {
        str.length = 0;
        str.ch = nullptr;
        return true;
    } else {
        str.ch = new char[length + 1];
        if (str.ch == nullptr)
            return false;
        else {
            c = ch;
            for (int i = 0; i <= length; ++i, ++c) {
                str.ch[i] = *c;
            str.length = length;
            return true;

int getLength(String str) {

    return str.length;

int strCompare(String string1, String string2) {
    for (int i = 0; i < string1.length && i < string2.length; ++i) {
        if (string1.ch[i] != string2.ch[i]) {
            return string1.ch[i] - string2.ch[i];

    return string1.length - string2.length;

bool concat(String &str, String string1, String string2) {
    delete str.ch;//清空被賦值串
    str.ch = nullptr;

    str.ch = new char[string1.length + string2.length + 1];//分配儲存空間
    if (str.ch == nullptr)
        return false;

    int i;//賦值操作,便於找到string1結束的位置
    for (i = 0; i < string1.length; ++i) {
        str.ch[i] = string1.ch[i];

    for (int j = 0; j <= string2.length; ++j) {
        str.ch[i + j] = string2.ch[j];

    str.length = string1.length + string2.length;

    return true;

bool subString(String &str, String string, int length, int position) {
    if (position < 0 || position >= string.length
        || length > string.length - position)
        return false;

    delete str.ch;
    str.ch = nullptr;

    if (length == 0) {//對求長度爲0的子串進行處理
        str.ch = nullptr;
        str.length = 0;
        return true;
    } else {
        str.ch = new char[length + 1];//分配儲存空間
        int j = 0;//後續還要用到,所以放到外邊
        for (int i = position; i < position + length; ++i, ++j) {//i用於定位母串,j用於定位子串
            str.ch[j] = string.ch[j];
        str.ch[j] = '\0';
        str.length = length;

        return true;

bool clearString(String &string){
    delete string.ch;
    string.ch = nullptr;
    string.length = 0;

    return true;