本文分享自華為雲社群《利用Terraform不同資料來源擴充套件應用場景》,作者: kaliarch 。
在生產環境中使用Terraform進行基礎設施編排,通常又一些資訊是通過其他外部系統傳入,該場資料來源為一個介面,需要Terraform具備呼叫遠端介面能力,獲取資料進行目標資源編排,處理各種雲廠商提供的provider介面data資料型別外,terraform社群還具備http provider,利用此可以進行呼叫第三方外部系統介面,實現自助外部介面獲取編排。
除了Terraform直接通過呼叫http provider介面獲取資料外,還可以使用執行本地Shell/Python指令碼,指令碼內部實現呼叫外部介面獲取資料,再將資料進行傳入到Terraform進行使用。
terraform下載http provider,其內部為一個go編寫的http使用者端,可以實現呼叫外部介面。
terraform扮演執行器,利用external provider進行執行各指令碼語言,實現執行指令碼內容達到預定目標。
├── main.tf // 主檔案 ├── outputs.tf // 輸出檔案 └── variables.tf // 變數檔案
# main.tf data "http" "get_method" { url = "https://api.github.com/users/${var.gitName}" request_headers = { Accept = "application/json" } } data "http" "post_method" { url = "https://checkpoint-api.hashicorp.com/v1/check/terraform" method = "POST" # Optional request body request_body = "request body" } # variables.tf variable "gitName" { type = string default = "redhatxl" } # outputs.tf output "resp" { value = { get = data.http.get_method.body post = data.http.post_method.body } }
# init $ terraform init # plan $ terraform plan # 將輸出檔案到處到json檔案中 $ terraform show --json github.out | > redhatxl.json # apply應用 $ terraform apply
data "http" "example_post" { url = "https://checkpoint-api.hashicorp.com/v1/check/terraform" method = "POST" # Optional request body request_body = "request body" }
data "http" "example" { url = "https://checkpoint-api.hashicorp.com/v1/check/terraform" # Optional request headers request_headers = { Accept = "application/json" } lifecycle { postcondition { condition = contains([201, 204], self.status_code) error_message = "Status code invalid" } } }
data "http" "example" { url = "https://checkpoint-api.hashicorp.com/v1/check/terraform" # Optional request headers request_headers = { Accept = "application/json" } } resource "random_uuid" "example" { lifecycle { precondition { condition = contains([201, 204], data.http.example.status_code) error_message = "Status code invalid" } } }
data "http" "example" { url = "https://checkpoint-api.hashicorp.com/v1/check/terraform" # Optional request headers request_headers = { Accept = "application/json" } } resource "null_resource" "example" { # On success, this will attempt to execute the true command in the # shell environment running terraform. # On failure, this will attempt to execute the false command in the # shell environment running terraform. provisioner "local-exec" { command = contains([201, 204], data.http.example.status_code) } }
├── main.tf
├── outputs.tf
├── scripts
│ └── py
│ └── fetch_githubinfo.py
└── variables.tf
data "external" "githubinfo" { program = ["python", "${path.module}/scripts/py/fetch_githubinfo.py"] query = { gitName = var.gitName } } locals { resp = data.external.githubinfo.result }
variable "gitName" { type = string }
output "resp" { value = { get = local.resp } }
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 import json from terraform_external_data import terraform_external_data import requests import json @terraform_external_data def fetch(query): # Terraform requires the values you return be strings, # so terraform_external_data will error if they aren't. gitName = query['gitName'] response = requests.get(f'https://api.github.com/users/{gitName}') output_json = response.json() return {str(key): str(value) for key, value in output_json.items()} if __name__ == "__main__": fetch()
執行terraform init/terraform apply
利用data 的http/external可以非常方便的是心啊呼叫外部介面獲取資料。但官方對於External Data Source的定位是"逃生視窗",因此在考慮使用該方案時,為最後手段。