音視訊八股文(10)-- mp4結構

2023-05-05 21:00:25


mp4⽂件格式⼜被稱為MPEG-4 Part 14,出⾃MPEG-4標準第14部分 。它是⼀種多媒體格式容器,⼴泛⽤於包裝視訊和⾳頻資料流、海報、字幕和後設資料等。(順便⼀提,⽬前流⾏的視訊編碼格式AVC/H264
定義在MPEG-4 Part 10)。




MP4⽂件的基本組成單元是box,也就是說MP4⽂件是由各種各樣的box組成的,有parent box,還有children box。因此,這些boxes之間存在⼀定的層次關係,總結如下表所示,表中標記出了各個box必選或可選特性,√代表Box必選。

ftyp file type and compatibility ⽂件型別和相容性
pdin progressive download information
moov container for all the metadata 所有後設資料的容器
mvhd movie header, overall declarations 電影頭,整體宣告
trak container for an individual track or stream 單個軌或流的容器
tkhd track header, overall information about the track 軌的頭部,關於該軌的概括資訊,⽐如視訊寬⾼
tref track reference container
edts edit list container
elst an edit list
mdia container for the media information in a track 軌媒體資訊的容器
mdhd media header, overall information about the media 媒體頭,關於媒體的總體資訊
hdlr handler, declares the media (handler) type 媒體的播放過程資訊
minf media information container 媒體資訊容器
vmhd video media header, overall information (video track only)
smhd sound media header, overall information (sound track only)
hmhd hint media header, overall information (hint track only)
nmhd Null media header, overall information (some tracks only)
dinf data information box, container 資料資訊box,容器
dref data reference box, declares source(s) of media data in track 如何定位媒體資訊
stbl sample table box, container for the time/space map 包含了track中的sample的所有時間和位置資訊,以及sample的編解碼等資訊。利⽤這個表可以解析sample的時序、型別、⼤⼩以及在各⾃儲存容器中的位置。
stsd sample descriptions (codec types,initialization etc.) 如果是視訊,包含:編碼型別、寬⾼、⻓度等資訊;如果是⾳頻,包含:聲道、取樣率等資訊
stts (decoding) time-to-sample描述了sample時序的對映⽅法,我們可以通過它找到任何時間的sample。
ctts (composition) time to sample。
stsc sample-to-chunk, partial data-offset information ⽤chunk組織sample可以⽅便優化資料獲取,⼀個chunk包含⼀個或多個sample。
stsz sample sizes (framing) 每個sample的⼤⼩。雖然這⾥沒有打勾,但對於mp4還是⾮常必要的。
stz2 compact sample sizes (framing)
stco chunk offset, partial data-offset information 定義了每個chunk在媒體流中的偏移位置
co64 64-bit chunk offset
stss sync sample table (random access points) ⽤於確定media中的關鍵幀
stsh shadow sync sample table
padb sample padding bits
stdp sample degradation priority
sdtp independent and disposable samples
sbgp sample-to-group
sgpd sample group description
subs sub-sample information
mvex movie extends box
mehd movie extends header box
trex track extends defaults
ipmc IPMP Control Box
moof movie fragment
mfhd movie fragment header
traf track fragment
tfhd track fragment header
trun track fragment run
sdtp independent and disposable samples
sbgp sample-to-group
subs sub-sample information
mfra movie fragment random access
tfra track fragment random access
mfro movie fragment random access offset
mdat media data container
free free space
skip free space
udta user-data
cprt copyright etc.
meta metadata
hdlr handler, declares the metadata (handler) type
dinf data information box, container
dref data reference box, declares source(s) of metadata items
ipmc IPMP Control Box
iloc item location
ipro item protection
sinf protection scheme information box
frma original format box
imif IPMP Information box
schm scheme type box
schi scheme information box
iinf item information
xml XML container
bxml binary XML container
pitm primary item reference
fiin file delivery item information
paen partition entry
fpar file partition
fecr FEC reservoir
segr file delivery session group
gitn group id to name
tsel track selection
meco additional metadata container
mere metabox relation

