上一篇文章 雲原生之旅 - 10)手把手教你安裝 Jenkins on Kubernetes 我們介紹了在 Kubernetes 上安裝 Jenkins,本文介紹下如何設定k8s pod作為Jenkins 構建job的 agent。
Jenkins master 和 agent 均以 pod 的形式執行在 Kubernetes 節點上。Master 執行在其中一個節點上,其設定資料 Jenkins home 使用儲存卷掛載,master pod重啟不會導致資料丟失。agent 執行在各個節點上,根據需求動態建立並自動釋放。這樣做的好處很多,比如高可用,高伸縮性,資源利用率高。
關鍵詞:Jenkins on Kubernetes 實踐,Jenkins 和 Kubernetes,在Kubernetes上安裝Jenkins,Jenkins 高可用安裝,Jenkins 動態伸縮構建, Kubernetes Pod as Jenkins build agent
10. Click `Add Pod Template` then `Pod Template Details`
Ensure that you remove the sleep and 9999999 default argument from the container template.
Credentials 會在Jenkinsfile裡面用到。
### 本文首發於部落格園 https://www.cnblogs.com/wade-xu/p/16863955.html
這個label 和我們上面建立 pod template時用的label一致. 這樣的話 Jenkins就知道用哪個 pod template 作為 agent container.
點Build Now
Agent jenkins-agent-l7hw9 is provisioned from template jenkins-agent ...... Building remotely on jenkins-agent-l7hw9 (kubeagent) in workspace /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/quick-test [quick-test] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins17573873264046707236.sh + echo test pipeline test pipeline Finished: SUCCESS
### 本文首發於部落格園 https://www.cnblogs.com/wade-xu/p/16863955.html
kind: Pod spec: containers: # list of containers that you want present for your build, you can define a default container in the Jenkinsfile - name: maven image: maven:3.5.4-jdk-8-slim command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"] # this or any command that is bascially a noop is required, this is so that you don't overwrite the entrypoint of the base container imagePullPolicy: Always # use cache or pull image for agent resources: # request and limit the resources your build contaienr requests: memory: 4Gi cpu: 2 limits: memory: 4Gi cpu: 2 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /root/.m2 # maven .m2 cache directory name: maven-home - name: git image: bitnami/git:2.38.1 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"] resources: # limit the resources your build contaienr limits: cpu: 100m memory: 256Mi - name: kubectl-kustomize image: line/kubectl-kustomize:1.25.3-4.5.7 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"] resources: # limit the resources your build contaienr limits: cpu: 100m memory: 256Mi - name: docker image: docker:18.06.1 command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"] imagePullPolicy: Always volumeMounts: - name: docker mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock # We use the k8s host docker engine volumes: - name: docker hostPath: path: /var/run/docker.sock - name: maven-home persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: maven-repo-storage
在Jenkinsfile裡面定義agent 使用這個yaml file
agent { kubernetes { idleMinutes 3 // how long the pod will live after no jobs have run on it yamlFile './build-pod.yaml' // path to the pod definition relative to the root of our project defaultContainer 'docker' // define a default container if more than a few stages use it, otherwise default to jnlp container }
下面步驟是 docker login/build/tag/push
stage('Build and Push Docker Image') { steps { script { dir(dir_path) { container('docker') { // docker login, Using single-quotes instead of double-quotes when referencing these sensitive environment variables prevents this type of leaking. sh 'echo $DOCKER_HUB_CREDS_PSW | docker login -u $DOCKER_HUB_CREDS_USR --password-stdin $DOCKER_HUB_REGISTRY' // build image with git tag sh """ docker build -t $PROJECT_IMAGE_WITH_TAG . docker tag $PROJECT_IMAGE_WITH_TAG $DOCKER_HUB_CREDS_USR/$PROJECT_IMAGE_WITH_TAG """ // push image_tag to docker hub sh """ docker push $DOCKER_HUB_CREDS_USR/$PROJECT_IMAGE_WITH_TAG """ } } } } }
我這裡沒有選擇用 docker.withRegistry
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
這個例子是上面的 CI 之後 加上 - 利用 Kustomize build K8S resource manifests 然後 CD 到一個 Cluster
Kustomize 可以參考 雲原生之旅 - 6)不能錯過的一款 Kubernetes 應用編排管理神器 Kustomize
// assume your k8s manifests in another repo, mine is same repo, just in order to show git clone step stage('Checkout K8S manifests') { steps { script { dir(dir_path) { container('git') { if (! fileExists('learning_by_doing/README.md')) { sh """ git clone https://github.com/wadexu007/learning_by_doing.git ls -lhrt """ } else { sh 'echo manifes repo already exist.' } } } } } } stage('Build manifests with Kustomize') { steps { script { dir(dir_path) { container('kubectl-kustomize') { sh """ cd learning_by_doing/Kustomize/demo-manifests/services/demo-app/dev/ kustomize edit set image $DOCKER_HUB_CREDS_USR/$PROJECT_IMAGE_WITH_TAG kustomize build > $WORKSPACE/$dir_path/deployment.yaml """ } } } } } stage('Deploy to GKE test cluster') { environment{ PROJECT_ID = 'xperiences-eng-cn-dev' CLUSTER_NAME = 'xpe-spark-test-gke' REGION = 'asia-east2' CREDENTIALS_ID = 'gcp_sa_json_key' } steps { script { dir(dir_path) { container('kubectl-kustomize') { sh """ chown 1000:1000 deployment.yaml echo start to deploy to cluster $CLUSTER_NAME """ step([ $class: 'KubernetesEngineBuilder', projectId: env.PROJECT_ID, clusterName: env.CLUSTER_NAME, location: env.REGION, manifestPattern: 'deployment.yaml', credentialsId: env.CREDENTIALS_ID, verifyDeployments: false]) // verifyDeployments does not work for non-default namespace } } } } }
stage('Wait for SRE Approval') { steps { timeout(time:72, unit:'HOURS') { input message: "Approved Prod deployment?", submitter: 'sre-team' } } } // deployment to multipe k8s clusters stage('Deploy to GKE Prod cluster') { environment{ PROJECT_ID = 'sre-cn-dev' CREDENTIALS_ID = 'gcp_sa_json_key' CLUSTER_COMMON_NAME = 'demo-gke-prod' } steps { script { env.REGION = input message: 'Choose which region you want to deploy?', parameters: [choice(name: 'Region', description: 'Select Region to Deloy', choices: ['europe-west1', 'us-central1']) ] dir(dir_path) { if ( env.REGION == "europe-west1" ) { def eu_cluster_name = env.CLUSTER_COMMON_NAME + "-eu" container('kubectl-kustomize') { sh "echo deploy to cluster $eu_cluster_name in region: $REGION" } } if ( env.REGION == "us-central1" ) { def us_cluster_name = env.CLUSTER_COMMON_NAME + "-us" container('kubectl-kustomize') { sh "echo deploy to cluster $us_cluster_name in region: $REGION" } } } } } }
所有例子均在我的 github repo。
### 本文首發於部落格園 https://www.cnblogs.com/wade-xu/p/16863955.html