
2022-08-11 18:01:02



你如果是從中間插過來看的,請仔細閱讀 羽夏看Linux系統核心——簡述 ,方便學習本教學。

Linux 0.11 介紹

  Linux 0.11 寫於 1991 年年底,那時很多計算機都是通過軟碟啟動的,故該程式碼是從軟碟啟動的。目前作業系統啟動都是通過硬碟,下面我們介紹它的啟動流程,仿製的時候改為從硬碟啟動。
  在 16 位元型樣下,記憶體的使用是十分有限的,我再拿之前的表格:

  也就是說,在 16 位真真實模式下,我們拉起核心需要精打細算的利用好我們能夠用的記憶體,也不能在執行程式碼過程中覆蓋到我們所需的資料。說完這些,我們來看核心程式碼。




! SYS_SIZE is the number of clicks (16 bytes) to be loaded.
! 0x3000 is 0x30000 bytes = 196kB, more than enough for current
! versions of linux
SYSSIZE = 0x3000
!   bootsect.s      (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds
! bootsect.s is loaded at 0x7c00 by the bios-startup routines, and moves
! iself out of the way to address 0x90000, and jumps there.
! It then loads 'setup' directly after itself (0x90200), and the system
! at 0x10000, using BIOS interrupts. 

  與此同時,為了更加直觀的學習,我們可以使用已有的映象看看情況。現在 Linux 0.11 版本很難直接編譯通過,我調了半天雖然編譯成功了,但Bochs載入不了。不過我們網上已經有對應的映象,首先給個連結:


  其實這些包個包是給在 Win 上學習準備的,這對於我們在 Deepin 等 Linux 發行版上進行學習就不太方便,這個組態檔沒法直接使用,會報錯。不過沒關係,我給製作了一個完整的包,並放到我的程式碼倉庫:

  你只需要clone一下到你的學習資料夾下即可。都是學核心的同志了,git clone應該都會,這裡就不贅述了。如果要啟動虛擬機器器,只需執行startLinux.sh指令碼即可。下面我們來看看開頭的程式碼:

BOOTSEG  = 0x07c0   ! original address of boot-sector
INITSEG  = 0x9000   ! we move boot here - out of the way
SETUPSEG = 0x9020   ! setup starts here

    mov ax,#BOOTSEG
    mov ds,ax
    mov ax,#INITSEG
    mov es,ax
    mov cx,#256
    sub si,si
    sub di,di
    jmpi go,INITSEG

  BOOTSEG0x07c0,也就是被BIOS初始載入的地址。你可能會有疑問。 BIOS初始載入的地址不是0x7c00嗎? 是的,但是這個是被載入到段暫存器的,如果偏移是0,且被16整除,只需要把地址地板除以16就是我們想要得到的結果。

雖然有了 GUI ,但不能完全被代替,你還得需要知道一些基本的偵錯命令,這個不是本教學的重點,請自行補充。



go: mov ax,cs
    mov ds,ax
    mov es,ax
! put stack at 0x9ff00.
    mov ss,ax
    mov sp,#0xFF00  ! arbitrary value >>512


! load the setup-sectors directly after the bootblock.
! Note that 'es' is already set up.

    mov dx,#0x0000             ! drive 0, head 0
    mov cx,#0x0002             ! sector 2, track 0
    mov bx,#0x0200             ! address = 512, in INITSEG
    mov ax,#0x0200+SETUPLEN    ! service 2, nr of sectors
    int 0x13                   ! read it
    jnc ok_load_setup          ! ok - continue
    mov dx,#0x0000
    mov ax,#0x0000             ! reset the diskette
    int 0x13
    j load_setup

  0x13中斷是一個服務,用來對磁碟進行操作。我們簡單介紹一下各暫存器的功能。這塊程式碼是讀取磁區,如果使用該功能,需要AH=0x02,這也是為什麼mov ax,#0x0200+SETUPLEN要加個0x0200

暫存器 作用
AL 磁區數
CH 柱面
CL 磁區
DH 磁頭
DL 驅動器(00H - 7FH 為軟碟;80H - 0FFH 為硬碟)
ES:BX 緩衝區的地址

  既然是讀取操作,必然需要知道讀取結果。如果CF = 0,則表示成功,此時AH = 00HAL = 傳輸的磁區數。如果失敗,AH是狀態碼。有關狀態碼這事情我就不贅述了,自己可以從網路進行查閱。
  此時ES = 9000H,而讀取時BX = 0x0200,所以讀取後被放到0x90200這個地址。如果讀取成功,就會跳轉到ok_load_setup這個標籤,失敗重置磁碟狀態(AH = 0呼叫),重試直到成功。執行完int 0x13指令後,我們看看結果:


mov ax,#INITSEG ! this is done in bootsect already, but...
mov ds,ax
mov ah,#0x03    ! read cursor pos
xor bh,bh
int 0x10        ! save it in known place, con_init fetches
mov [0],dx  ! it from 0x90000.



! Get disk drive parameters, specifically nr of sectors/track

    mov dl,#0x00
    mov ax,#0x0800      ! AH=8 is get drive parameters
    int 0x13
    mov ch,#0x00
    seg cs
    mov sectors,cx
    mov ax,#INITSEG
    mov es,ax

! Print some inane message

    mov ah,#0x03            ! read cursor pos
    xor bh,bh
    int 0x10
    mov cx,#24
    mov bx,#0x0007          ! page 0, attribute 7 (normal)
    mov bp,#msg1
    mov ax,#0x1301          ! write string, move cursor
    int 0x10

  當AH = 0x08時,呼叫int 0x13是獲取磁碟大小資訊。其中DL為驅動器,如果成功CF = 0BL會獲得1-4的數值,為磁碟大小,含義如下:

BL 值 含義
1 360 KB
2 1.2 MB
3 720 KB
4 1.44 MB

  在呼叫完int 0x13之後,將區塊的磁區數目放到了sectors中。緊接著後面我們又遇到了一箇中斷int 0x10,這個是用於顯示的服務,可以往螢幕上寫字串操作。將msg1寫到螢幕上,我們來看看這是什麼:

    .byte 13,10
    .ascii "Loading system ..."
    .byte 13,10,13,10


! ok, we've written the message, now
! we want to load the system (at 0x10000)

    mov ax,#SYSSEG
    mov es,ax           ! segment of 0x010000
    call read_it
    call kill_motor


 * This procedure turns off the floppy drive motor, so
 * that we enter the kernel in a known state, and
 * don't have to worry about it later.


        mov ax,es
        test ax,#0x0fff
die:·   jne die             ! es must be at 64kB boundary
        xor bx,bx           ! bx is starting address within segment
        mov ax,es
        cmp ax,#ENDSEG      ! have we loaded all yet?
        jb ok1_read
        seg cs
        mov ax,sectors
        sub ax,sread
        mov cx,ax
        shl cx,#9
        add cx,bx
        jnc ok2_read
        je ok2_read
        xor ax,ax
        sub ax,bx
        shr ax,#9
        call read_track
        mov cx,ax
        add ax,sread
        seg cs
        cmp ax,sectors
        jne ok3_read
        mov ax,#1
        sub ax,head
        jne ok4_read
        inc track
        mov head,ax
        xor ax,ax
        mov sread,ax
        shl cx,#9
        add bx,cx
        jnc rp_read
        mov ax,es
        add ax,#0x1000
        mov es,ax
        xor bx,bx
        jmp rp_read

        push ax
        push bx
        push cx
        push dx
        mov dx,track
        mov cx,sread
        inc cx
        mov ch,dl
        mov dx,head
        mov dh,dl
        mov dl,#0
        and dx,#0x0100
        mov ah,#2
        int 0x13
        jc bad_rt
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax



! After that we check which root-device to use. If the device is
! defined (!= 0), nothing is done and the given device is used.
! Otherwise, either /dev/PS0 (2,28) or /dev/at0 (2,8), depending
! on the number of sectors that the BIOS reports currently.

    seg cs
    mov ax,root_dev
    cmp ax,#0
    jne root_defined
    seg cs
    mov bx,sectors
    mov ax,#0x0208      ! /dev/ps0 - 1.2Mb
    cmp bx,#15
    je root_defined
    mov ax,#0x021c      ! /dev/PS0 - 1.44Mb
    cmp bx,#18
    je root_defined
    jmp undef_root
    seg cs
    mov root_dev,ax

! after that (everyting loaded), we jump to
! the setup-routine loaded directly after
! the bootblock:

    jmpi 0,SETUPSEG


    .word ROOT_DEV

  為什麼是這個值呢?如果該值為0,根檔案系統裝置與引導使用同樣的軟碟機裝置;如果是0x301,則為第一個硬碟的第一個分割區上,這個被稱為裝置號。裝置號 = 主裝置號 * 256 + 次裝置號,舉個例子:

  • 0x300 - /dev/hd0 代表第一個硬碟
  • 0x301 - /dev/hd1 代表第一個硬碟的第一個分割區
  • ……
  • 0x304 - /dev/hd4 代表第一個硬碟的第四個分割區
  • 0x305 - /dev/hd5 代表第二個硬碟
  • ……

  接下來兩個cmp可能看不懂,咱們給個解釋:sectors是我們之前儲存的每磁軌磁區數目,如果是 15 ,那麼就是 1.2 MB 的驅動器;如果是 18 ,那麼就是 1.44 MB 的,也就是引導驅動器的裝置號。如果正常找到,將會執行jmpi 0,SETUPSEG,該部分程式結束;否則,直接死迴圈。



! ok, the read went well so we get current cursor position and save it for
! posterity.

    mov ax,#INITSEG ! this is done in bootsect already, but...
    mov ds,ax
    mov ah,#0x03    ! read cursor pos
    xor bh,bh
    int 0x10        ! save it in known place, con_init fetches
    mov [0],dx      ! it from 0x90000.

! Get memory size (extended mem, kB)

    mov ah,#0x88
    int 0x15
    mov [2],ax

! Get video-card data:

    mov ah,#0x0f
    int 0x10
    mov [4],bx      ! bh = display page
    mov [6],ax      ! al = video mode, ah = window width

! check for EGA/VGA and some config parameters

    mov ah,#0x12
    mov bl,#0x10
    int 0x10
    mov [8],ax
    mov [10],bx
    mov [12],cx

! Get hd0 data

    mov ax,#0x0000
    mov ds,ax
    lds si,[4*0x41]
    mov ax,#INITSEG
    mov es,ax
    mov di,#0x0080
    mov cx,#0x10

! Get hd1 data

    mov ax,#0x0000
    mov ds,ax
    lds si,[4*0x46]
    mov ax,#INITSEG
    mov es,ax
    mov di,#0x0090
    mov cx,#0x10

! Check that there IS a hd1 :-)

    mov ax,#0x01500
    mov dl,#0x81
    int 0x13
    jc no_disk1
    cmp ah,#3
    je is_disk1
    mov ax,#INITSEG
    mov es,ax
    mov di,#0x0090
    mov cx,#0x10
    mov ax,#0x00

  硬碟參數列是什麼?在PC機中BIOS設定的中斷向量表中int 0x41的中斷向量位置存放的並不是中斷程式的地址,而是第一個硬碟的基本參數列。對於BIOS來說,這裡存放著硬碟參數列陣列的首地址0xFE401。第二個硬碟的基本參數列入口地址存於int 0x46中斷向量位置處。每個硬碟參數列有16個位元組大小。這些是硬體的相關知識,瞭解明白即可。

! now we want to move to protected mode ...

    cli             ! no interrupts allowed !

! first we move the system to it's rightful place

    mov ax,#0x0000
    cld             ! 'direction'=0, movs moves forward
    mov es,ax       ! destination segment
    add ax,#0x1000
    cmp ax,#0x9000
    jz end_move
    mov ds,ax       ! source segment
    sub di,di
    sub si,si
    mov cx,#0x8000
    jmp do_move


  也就是說,原來的BIOS的中斷和資料被覆蓋了,也就是被捨棄掉了。由於當時system假設模組的最大長度不會超過0x80000,也就是512 KB,即末尾不會超過0x90000這個地址。

! then we load the segment descriptors

    mov ax,#SETUPSEG     ! right, forgot this at first. didn't work :-)
    mov ds,ax
    lidt idt_48          ! load idt with 0,0
    lgdt gdt_48          ! load gdt with whatever appropriate


    .word 0             ! idt limit=0
    .word 0,0           ! idt base=0L

    .word 0x800         ! gdt limit=2048, 256 GDT entries
    .word 512+gdt,0x9   ! gdt base = 0X9xxxx


! that was painless, now we enable A20

    call empty_8042
    mov al,#0xD1        ! command write
    out #0x64,al
    call empty_8042
    mov al,#0xDF        ! A20 on
    out #0x60,al
    call empty_8042

  這裡得注意一下:A20地址線並不是開啟保護模式的關鍵,只是在保護模式下,不開啟A20地址線,你將無法存取到所有的記憶體。 這個又是為了保持相容性出的么蛾子。empty_8042這個函數的作用是測試8042狀態暫存器。這塊程式碼涉及硬體的相關東西太多,這裡就簡單介紹,感興趣可自行科普。

! well, that went ok, I hope. Now we have to reprogram the interrupts :-(
! we put them right after the intel-reserved hardware interrupts, at
! int 0x20-0x2F. There they won't mess up anything. Sadly IBM really
! messed this up with the original PC, and they haven't been able to
! rectify it afterwards. Thus the bios puts interrupts at 0x08-0x0f,
! which is used for the internal hardware interrupts as well. We just
! have to reprogram the 8259's, and it isn't fun.

    mov al,#0x11        ! initialization sequence
    out #0x20,al        ! send it to 8259A-1
    .word 0x00eb,0x00eb ! jmp $+2, jmp $+2
    out #0xA0,al        ! and to 8259A-2
    .word 0x00eb,0x00eb
    mov al,#0x20        ! start of hardware int's (0x20)
    out #0x21,al
    .word 0x00eb,0x00eb
    mov al,#0x28        ! start of hardware int's 2 (0x28)
    out #0xA1,al
    .word 0x00eb,0x00eb
    mov al,#0x04        ! 8259-1 is master
    out #0x21,al
    .word 0x00eb,0x00eb
    mov al,#0x02        ! 8259-2 is slave
    out #0xA1,al
    .word 0x00eb,0x00eb
    mov al,#0x01        ! 8086 mode for both
    out #0x21,al
    .word 0x00eb,0x00eb
    out #0xA1,al
    .word 0x00eb,0x00eb
    mov al,#0xFF        ! mask off all interrupts for now
    out #0x21,al
    .word 0x00eb,0x00eb
    out #0xA1,al


! Well, now's the time to actually move into protected mode. To make
! things as simple as possible, we do no register set-up or anything,
! we let the gnu-compiled 32-bit programs do that. We just jump to
! absolute address 0x00000, in 32-bit protected mode.

    mov ax,#0x0001  ! protected mode (PE) bit
    lmsw ax         ! This is it!
    jmpi 0,8        ! jmp offset 0 of segment 8 (cs)


  CR0的最後一位PE,控制著是否開啟保護模式,如果置1,則麼表示開啟,此時CPU將開始進入全新的模式。但為什麼用lmsw ax載入程式狀態字的形式進行而不直接用mov cr0,ax呢?這又是該死的歷史的包袱,僅僅是為了相容罷了。




  1. 繪製執行進入保護模式的時候的記憶體佈局狀態。
  2. 用表格的形式展示setup.s程式在記憶體中儲存的資料。
  3. .word 0x00eb,0x00eb的作用是啥?
  4. 介紹到最後的jmpi 0,8程式碼最終跳到了哪個地址?為什麼?

