
2022-07-22 06:00:32


Scheduler 是整個 kube-scheduler 的一個 structure,提供了 kube-scheduler 執行所需的元件。

type Scheduler struct {
	// Cache是一個抽象,會快取pod的資訊,作為scheduler進行查詢,操作是基於Pod進行增加
	Cache internalcache.Cache
	// Extenders 算是排程框架中提供的排程外掛,會影響kubernetes中的排程策略
	Extenders []framework.Extender

	// NextPod 作為一個函數提供,會阻塞獲取下一個ke'diao'du
	NextPod func() *framework.QueuedPodInfo

	// Error is called if there is an error. It is passed the pod in
	// question, and the error
	Error func(*framework.QueuedPodInfo, error)

	// SchedulePod 嘗試將給出的pod排程到Node。
	SchedulePod func(ctx context.Context, fwk framework.Framework, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod) (ScheduleResult, error)

	// 關閉scheduler的訊號
	StopEverything <-chan struct{}

	// SchedulingQueue儲存要排程的Pod
	SchedulingQueue internalqueue.SchedulingQueue

	// Profiles中是多個排程框架
	Profiles profile.Map
	client clientset.Interface
	nodeInfoSnapshot *internalcache.Snapshot
	percentageOfNodesToScore int32
	nextStartNodeIndex int

作為實際執行的兩個核心,SchedulingQueue ,與 scheduleOne 將會分析到這兩個


在知道 kube-scheduler 初始化過程後,需要對 kube-scheduler 的整個 structureworkflow 進行分析

Run 中,執行的是 一個 SchedulingQueue 與 一個 scheduleOne ,從結構上看是屬於 Scheduler

func (sched *Scheduler) Run(ctx context.Context) {

	// We need to start scheduleOne loop in a dedicated goroutine,
	// because scheduleOne function hangs on getting the next item
	// from the SchedulingQueue.
	// If there are no new pods to schedule, it will be hanging there
	// and if done in this goroutine it will be blocking closing
	// SchedulingQueue, in effect causing a deadlock on shutdown.
	go wait.UntilWithContext(ctx, sched.scheduleOne, 0)


SchedulingQueue 是一個佇列的抽象,用於儲存等待排程的Pod。該介面遵循類似於 cache.FIFO 和 cache.Heap 的模式。

type SchedulingQueue interface {
	Add(pod *v1.Pod) error
	// Activate moves the given pods to activeQ iff they're in unschedulablePods or backoffQ.
	// The passed-in pods are originally compiled from plugins that want to activate Pods,
	// by injecting the pods through a reserved CycleState struct (PodsToActivate).
	Activate(pods map[string]*v1.Pod)
	// 將不可排程的Pod重入到佇列中
	AddUnschedulableIfNotPresent(pod *framework.QueuedPodInfo, podSchedulingCycle int64) error
	// SchedulingCycle returns the current number of scheduling cycle which is
	// cached by scheduling queue. Normally, incrementing this number whenever
	// a pod is popped (e.g. called Pop()) is enough.
	SchedulingCycle() int64
	// Pop會彈出一個pod,並從head優先順序佇列中刪除
	Pop() (*framework.QueuedPodInfo, error)
	Update(oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod) error
	Delete(pod *v1.Pod) error
	MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(event framework.ClusterEvent, preCheck PreEnqueueCheck)
	AssignedPodAdded(pod *v1.Pod)
	AssignedPodUpdated(pod *v1.Pod)
	PendingPods() []*v1.Pod
	// Close closes the SchedulingQueue so that the goroutine which is
	// waiting to pop items can exit gracefully.
	// Run starts the goroutines managing the queue.

PriorityQueueSchedulingQueue 的實現,該部分的核心構成是兩個子佇列與一個資料結構,即 activeQbackoffQunschedulablePods

  • activeQ:是一個 heap 型別的優先順序佇列,是 sheduler 從中獲得優先順序最高的Pod進行排程
  • backoffQ:也是一個 heap 型別的優先順序佇列,存放的是不可排程的Pod
  • unschedulablePods :儲存確定不可被排程的Pod
type SchedulingQueue interface {
	Add(pod *v1.Pod) error
	// Activate moves the given pods to activeQ iff they're in unschedulablePods or backoffQ.
	// The passed-in pods are originally compiled from plugins that want to activate Pods,
	// by injecting the pods through a reserved CycleState struct (PodsToActivate).
	Activate(pods map[string]*v1.Pod)
	// AddUnschedulableIfNotPresent adds an unschedulable pod back to scheduling queue.
	// The podSchedulingCycle represents the current scheduling cycle number which can be
	// returned by calling SchedulingCycle().
	AddUnschedulableIfNotPresent(pod *framework.QueuedPodInfo, podSchedulingCycle int64) error
	// SchedulingCycle returns the current number of scheduling cycle which is
	// cached by scheduling queue. Normally, incrementing this number whenever
	// a pod is popped (e.g. called Pop()) is enough.
	SchedulingCycle() int64
	// Pop removes the head of the queue and returns it. It blocks if the
	// queue is empty and waits until a new item is added to the queue.
	Pop() (*framework.QueuedPodInfo, error)
	Update(oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod) error
	Delete(pod *v1.Pod) error
	MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(event framework.ClusterEvent, preCheck PreEnqueueCheck)
	AssignedPodAdded(pod *v1.Pod)
	AssignedPodUpdated(pod *v1.Pod)
	PendingPods() []*v1.Pod
	// Close closes the SchedulingQueue so that the goroutine which is
	// waiting to pop items can exit gracefully.
	// Run starts the goroutines managing the queue.

在New scheduler 時可以看到會初始化這個queue

podQueue := internalqueue.NewSchedulingQueue(
    // 實現pod對比的一個函數即less

NewSchedulingQueue 則是初始化這個 PriorityQueue

// NewSchedulingQueue initializes a priority queue as a new scheduling queue.
func NewSchedulingQueue(
	lessFn framework.LessFunc,
	informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory,
	opts ...Option) SchedulingQueue {
	return NewPriorityQueue(lessFn, informerFactory, opts...)

// NewPriorityQueue creates a PriorityQueue object.
func NewPriorityQueue(
	lessFn framework.LessFunc,
	informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory,
	opts ...Option,
) *PriorityQueue {
	options := defaultPriorityQueueOptions
	for _, opt := range opts {
	// 這個就是 less函數,作為打分的一部分
	comp := func(podInfo1, podInfo2 interface{}) bool {
		pInfo1 := podInfo1.(*framework.QueuedPodInfo)
		pInfo2 := podInfo2.(*framework.QueuedPodInfo)
		return lessFn(pInfo1, pInfo2)

	if options.podNominator == nil {
		options.podNominator = NewPodNominator(informerFactory.Core().V1().Pods().Lister())

	pq := &PriorityQueue{
		PodNominator:                      options.podNominator,
		clock:                             options.clock,
		stop:                              make(chan struct{}),
		podInitialBackoffDuration:         options.podInitialBackoffDuration,
		podMaxBackoffDuration:             options.podMaxBackoffDuration,
		podMaxInUnschedulablePodsDuration: options.podMaxInUnschedulablePodsDuration,
		activeQ:                           heap.NewWithRecorder(podInfoKeyFunc, comp, metrics.NewActivePodsRecorder()),
		unschedulablePods:                 newUnschedulablePods(metrics.NewUnschedulablePodsRecorder()),
		moveRequestCycle:                  -1,
		clusterEventMap:                   options.clusterEventMap,
	pq.cond.L = &pq.lock
	pq.podBackoffQ = heap.NewWithRecorder(podInfoKeyFunc, pq.podsCompareBackoffCompleted, metrics.NewBackoffPodsRecorder())
	pq.nsLister = informerFactory.Core().V1().Namespaces().Lister()

	return pq

瞭解了Queue的結構,就需要知道 入佇列與出佇列是在哪裡操作的。在初始化時,需要註冊一個 addEventHandlerFuncs 這個時候,會注入三個動作函數,也就是controller中的概念;而在AddFunc中可以看到會入佇列。

注入是對 Pod 的informer注入的,注入的函數 addPodToSchedulingQueue 就是入棧

Handler: cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
    AddFunc:    sched.addPodToSchedulingQueue,
    UpdateFunc: sched.updatePodInSchedulingQueue,
    DeleteFunc: sched.deletePodFromSchedulingQueue,

func (sched *Scheduler) addPodToSchedulingQueue(obj interface{}) {
	pod := obj.(*v1.Pod)
	klog.V(3).InfoS("Add event for unscheduled pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
	if err := sched.SchedulingQueue.Add(pod); err != nil {
		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to queue %T: %v", obj, err))

而這個 SchedulingQueue 的實現就是 PriorityQueue ,而Add中則對 activeQ進行的操作

func (p *PriorityQueue) Add(pod *v1.Pod) error {
	defer p.lock.Unlock()
    // 格式化入棧資料,包含podinfo,裡會包含v1.Pod
    // 初始化的時間,建立的時間,以及不能被排程時的記錄其plugin的名稱
	pInfo := p.newQueuedPodInfo(pod)
    // 入棧
	if err := p.activeQ.Add(pInfo); err != nil {
		klog.ErrorS(err, "Error adding pod to the active queue", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		return err
	if p.unschedulablePods.get(pod) != nil {
		klog.ErrorS(nil, "Error: pod is already in the unschedulable queue", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
	// Delete pod from backoffQ if it is backing off
	if err := p.podBackoffQ.Delete(pInfo); err == nil {
		klog.ErrorS(nil, "Error: pod is already in the podBackoff queue", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
	metrics.SchedulerQueueIncomingPods.WithLabelValues("active", PodAdd).Inc()
	p.PodNominator.AddNominatedPod(pInfo.PodInfo, nil)

	return nil

在上面看 scheduler 結構時,可以看到有一個 nextPod的,nextPod就是從佇列中彈出一個pod,這個在scheduler 時會傳入 MakeNextPodFunc 就是這個 nextpod

func MakeNextPodFunc(queue SchedulingQueue) func() *framework.QueuedPodInfo {
	return func() *framework.QueuedPodInfo {
		podInfo, err := queue.Pop()
		if err == nil {
			klog.V(4).InfoS("About to try and schedule pod", "pod", klog.KObj(podInfo.Pod))
			for plugin := range podInfo.UnschedulablePlugins {
				metrics.UnschedulableReason(plugin, podInfo.Pod.Spec.SchedulerName).Dec()
			return podInfo
		klog.ErrorS(err, "Error while retrieving next pod from scheduling queue")
		return nil

而這個 queue.Pop() 對應的就是 PriorityQueuePop() ,在這裡會將作為 activeQ 的消費端

func (p *PriorityQueue) Pop() (*framework.QueuedPodInfo, error) {
   defer p.lock.Unlock()
   for p.activeQ.Len() == 0 {
      // When the queue is empty, invocation of Pop() is blocked until new item is enqueued.
      // When Close() is called, the p.closed is set and the condition is broadcast,
      // which causes this loop to continue and return from the Pop().
      if p.closed {
         return nil, fmt.Errorf(queueClosed)
   obj, err := p.activeQ.Pop()
   if err != nil {
      return nil, err
   pInfo := obj.(*framework.QueuedPodInfo)
   return pInfo, nil

在上面入口部分也看到了,scheduleOne 和 scheduler,scheduleOne 就是去消費一個Pod,他會呼叫 NextPod,NextPod就是在初始化傳入的 MakeNextPodFunc ,至此回到對應的 Pop來做消費。


func (sched *Scheduler) scheduleOne(ctx context.Context) {
	podInfo := sched.NextPod()
	// pod could be nil when schedulerQueue is closed
	if podInfo == nil || podInfo.Pod == nil {
	pod := podInfo.Pod
	fwk, err := sched.frameworkForPod(pod)
	if err != nil {
		// This shouldn't happen, because we only accept for scheduling the pods
		// which specify a scheduler name that matches one of the profiles.
		klog.ErrorS(err, "Error occurred")
	if sched.skipPodSchedule(fwk, pod) {




排程框架 [2]

排程框架 (scheduling framework SF ) 是kubernetes為 scheduler設計的一個pluggable的架構。SF 將scheduler設計為 Plugin 式的 API,API將上一章中提到的一些列排程策略實現為 Plugin

SF 中,定義了一些擴充套件點 (extension points EP ),而被實現為Plugin的排程程式將被註冊在一個或多個 EP 中,換句話來說,在這些 EP 的執行過程中如果註冊在多個 EP 中,將會在多個 EP 被呼叫。

每次排程都分為兩個階段,排程週期(Scheduling Cycel)與繫結週期(Binding Cycle)。

  • SC 表示為,為Pod選擇一個節點;SC 是序列執行的。
  • BC 表示為,將 SC 決策結果應用於叢集中;BC 可以同時執行。

排程週期與繫結週期結合一起,被稱為排程上下文Scheduling Context),下圖則是排程上下文的工作流

注:如果決策結果為Pod的排程結果無可用節點,或存在內部錯誤,則中止 SCBC。Pod將重入佇列重試

擴充套件點 [3]

擴充套件點(Extension points)是指在排程上下文中的每個可延伸API,通過圖提現為[圖1]。其中 Filter 相當於 PredicateScoring 相當於 Priority


  • Sort:該外掛提供了排序功能,用於對在排程佇列中待處理 Pod 進行排序。一次只能啟用一個佇列排序。

  • preFilter:該外掛用於在過濾之前預處理或檢查 Pod 或叢集的相關資訊。這裡會終止排程

  • filter:該外掛相當於排程上下文中的 Predicates,用於排除不能執行 Pod 的節點。Filter 會按設定的順序進行呼叫。如果有一個filter將節點標記位不可用,則將 Pod 標記為不可排程(即不會向下執行)。

  • postFilter:當沒有為 pod 找到FN時,該外掛會按照設定的順序進行呼叫。如果任何postFilter外掛將 Pod 標記為schedulable,則不會呼叫其餘外掛。即 filter 成功後不會進行這步驟

  • preScore:可用於進行預Score工作(通知性的擴充套件點)。

  • score:該外掛為每個通過 filter 階段的Node提供打分服務。然後Scheduler將選擇具有最高加權分數總和的Node。

  • reserve:因為繫結事件時非同步發生的,該外掛是為了避免Pod在繫結到節點前時,排程到新的Pod,使節點使用資源超過可用資源情況。如果後續階段發生錯誤或失敗,將觸發 UnReserve 回滾(通知性擴充套件點)。這也是作為排程週期中最後一個狀態,要麼成功到 postBind ,要麼失敗觸發 UnReserve

  • permit:該外掛可以阻止或延遲 Pod 的繫結,一般情況下這步驟會做三件事:

    • appove :排程器繼續繫結過程
    • Deny:如果任何一個Premit拒絕了Pod與節點的繫結,那麼將觸發 UnReserve ,並重入佇列
    • Wait: 如果 Permit 外掛返回 Wait,該 Pod 將保留在內部 Wait Pod 列表中,直到被 Appove。如果發生超時,wait 變為 deny ,將Pod放回至排程佇列中,並觸發 Unreserve 回滾 。
  • preBind:該外掛用於在 bind Pod 之前執行所需的前置工作。如,preBind 可能會提供一個網路卷並將其掛載到目標節點上。如果在該步驟中的任意外掛返回錯誤,則Pod 將被 deny 並放置到排程佇列中。

  • bind:在所有的 preBind 完成後,該外掛將用於將Pod繫結到Node,並按順序呼叫繫結該步驟的外掛。如果有一個外掛處理了這個事件,那麼則忽略其餘所有外掛。

  • postBind:該外掛在繫結 Pod 後呼叫,可用於清理相關資源(通知性的擴充套件點)。

  • multiPoint:這是一個僅設定欄位,允許同時為所有適用的擴充套件點啟用或禁用外掛。

scheduler 對於排程上下文在程式碼中的實現就是 scheduleOne ,下面就是看這個排程上下文


Sort 外掛提供了排序功能,用於對在排程佇列中待處理 Pod 進行排序。一次只能啟用一個佇列排序。

在進入 scheduleOne 後,NextPodactiveQ 中佇列中得到一個Pod,然後的 frameworkForPod 會做打分的動作就是排程上下文的第一個擴充套件點 sort

func (sched *Scheduler) scheduleOne(ctx context.Context) {
	podInfo := sched.NextPod()
	// pod could be nil when schedulerQueue is closed
	if podInfo == nil || podInfo.Pod == nil {
	pod := podInfo.Pod
	fwk, err := sched.frameworkForPod(pod)
func (sched *Scheduler) frameworkForPod(pod *v1.Pod) (framework.Framework, error) {
    // 獲取指定的profile
	fwk, ok := sched.Profiles[pod.Spec.SchedulerName]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("profile not found for scheduler name %q", pod.Spec.SchedulerName)
	return fwk, nil

回顧,因為在New scheduler時會初始化這個 sort 函數

podQueue := internalqueue.NewSchedulingQueue(


preFilter作為第一個擴充套件點,是用於在過濾之前預處理或檢查 Pod 或叢集的相關資訊。這裡會終止排程

func (sched *Scheduler) scheduleOne(ctx context.Context) {
	podInfo := sched.NextPod()
	// pod could be nil when schedulerQueue is closed
	if podInfo == nil || podInfo.Pod == nil {
	pod := podInfo.Pod
	fwk, err := sched.frameworkForPod(pod)
	if err != nil {
		// This shouldn't happen, because we only accept for scheduling the pods
		// which specify a scheduler name that matches one of the profiles.
		klog.ErrorS(err, "Error occurred")
	if sched.skipPodSchedule(fwk, pod) {

	klog.V(3).InfoS("Attempting to schedule pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

	// Synchronously attempt to find a fit for the pod.
	start := time.Now()
	state := framework.NewCycleState()
	state.SetRecordPluginMetrics(rand.Intn(100) < pluginMetricsSamplePercent)
	// Initialize an empty podsToActivate struct, which will be filled up by plugins or stay empty.
	podsToActivate := framework.NewPodsToActivate()
	state.Write(framework.PodsToActivateKey, podsToActivate)

	schedulingCycleCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	defer cancel()
    // 這裡將進入prefilter
	scheduleResult, err := sched.SchedulePod(schedulingCycleCtx, fwk, state, pod)

schedulePod 嘗試將給定的 pod 排程到節點列表中的節點之一。如果成功,它將返回節點的名稱。

func (sched *Scheduler) schedulePod(ctx context.Context, fwk framework.Framework, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod) (result ScheduleResult, err error) {
	trace := utiltrace.New("Scheduling", utiltrace.Field{Key: "namespace", Value: pod.Namespace}, utiltrace.Field{Key: "name", Value: pod.Name})
	defer trace.LogIfLong(100 * time.Millisecond)
	// 用於將cache更新為當前內容
	if err := sched.Cache.UpdateSnapshot(sched.nodeInfoSnapshot); err != nil {
		return result, err
	trace.Step("Snapshotting scheduler cache and node infos done")

	if sched.nodeInfoSnapshot.NumNodes() == 0 {
		return result, ErrNoNodesAvailable
	// 找到一個合適的pod時,會執行擴充套件點
	feasibleNodes, diagnosis, err := sched.findNodesThatFitPod(ctx, fwk, state, pod)

findNodesThatFitPod 會執行對應的過濾外掛來找到最適合的Node,包括備註,以及方法名都可以看到,這裡執行的外掛