
2020-10-02 14:00:10

上星期寫了個webdemo部署到騰訊雲伺服器上,然後上午正常使用,到了下午發現資料庫的表沒有了,這周看了下資料庫裡面,有個警告的表,裡面是To recover your lost databases and avoid leaking it: visit http://hn4wg4o6s5nc7763.onion and enter your unique token***** and pay the required amount of Bitcoin to get it back. Databases that we have: message. Your databases are downloaded and backed up on our servers. If we dont receive your payment in the next 9 Days, we will sell your database to the highest bidder or use them otherwise. To access this site you have use the tor browser https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html
發現被駭客入侵了,因為我的資料庫密碼是root,可能是這個原因吧 先改了密碼試試 哈哈

安全組模板採用 「放通22 80 443 3389 埠和ICMP協定」這個,儘量SSH用金鑰登入或者密碼設定難度高些經常改密碼。我的個人部落格日攻擊10萬+ 掛部落格的那臺CVM日遭暴力破解上萬次,至今無一攻破就是經常改密碼合理設定安全組的好習慣所以沒被突破。