

在這個例子中,我們將使用一個作業通道來完成從main()goroutine到worker goroutine的工作。當沒有更多的工作時,則將關閉工作通道。

這裡是工作程式goroutine。 它反復從j的工作接收more := <-jobs。在這種特殊的2值形式的接收中,如果作業已關閉並且已經接收到通道中的所有值,則 more 的值將為 false。當已經完成了所有的工作時,使用這個通知。



所有的範例程式碼,都放在 F:\worksp\golang 目錄下。安裝Go程式設計環境請參考:/2/23/798.html

closing-channels.go的完整程式碼如下所示 -

package main

import "fmt"

// In this example we'll use a `jobs` channel to
// communicate work to be done from the `main()` goroutine
// to a worker goroutine. When we have no more jobs for
// the worker we'll `close` the `jobs` channel.
func main() {
    jobs := make(chan int, 5)
    done := make(chan bool)

    // Here's the worker goroutine. It repeatedly receives
    // from `jobs` with `j, more := <-jobs`. In this
    // special 2-value form of receive, the `more` value
    // will be `false` if `jobs` has been `close`d and all
    // values in the channel have already been received.
    // We use this to notify on `done` when we've worked
    // all our jobs.
    go func() {
        for {
            j, more := <-jobs
            if more {
                fmt.Println("received job", j)
            } else {
                fmt.Println("received all jobs")
                done <- true

    // This sends 3 jobs to the worker over the `jobs`
    // channel, then closes it.
    for j := 1; j <= 3; j++ {
        jobs <- j
        fmt.Println("sent job", j)
    fmt.Println("sent all jobs")

    // We await the worker using the
    // [synchronization](channel-synchronization) approach
    // we saw earlier.

執行上面程式碼,將得到以下輸出結果 -

F:\worksp\golang>go run closing-channels.go
sent job 1
sent job 2
sent job 3
sent all jobs
received job 1
received job 2
received job 3
received all jobs